Homework assignments
for Math 124
Lectures |
Sections in Text |
Description |
Day 1: 9/24 |
I.1-I.4 and III.1 |
Exercise I.5.6 and III.1.3 to be presented orally on x-hour on October 7 (Changed from October 14. If anybody wishes we can keep the previous due date of October 14 but I thought it would be better to look at the problem sooner than that.) |
Day 2: 9/26 |
III.2 and III.3 |
Exercise III.2.7 and III.3.1 to be presented orally on x-hour on October 7 |
Day 3: 9/29 |
III.3 and III.4 |
Exercise III.4.2 and III.4.6 to be presented orally on x-hour on October 7 |
Day 4: 10/1 |
III.5 and III.6 |
Exercise III.5.3 to be presented orally on x-hour on October 7 |
Day 5: 10/3 |
III.6 and start III.7 |
Exercise III.7.1 to be presented orally on x-hour on October 7 (After this moment we shall have written homework for some time.) |
Day 6: 10/6 |
III.7 and III.8 |
Exercise III.6.1 (we needed this fact during the last lecture) and Exercise III.8.2 in written form due Monday 10/13 |
x-hour 10/7 |
Oral presentation of homework exercises |
Day 7: 10/8 |
III.9 |
Exercises III.9.3 and III.9.4 in written form due 10/13 |
10/10 No class |
Day 8: 10/13 |
IV.1 |
Exercise IV.1.3 in written form due 10/20 |
Day 9 10/14 x-hour instead of Friday 10/10 |
IV.2 and start IV.3 |
Exercises IV.2.1 and IV.3.2 in written form due 10/20 |
Day 10: 10/15 |
IV.3 and IV.4 |
Exercise IV.3.6 in written form due 10/20 |
Day 11: 10/17 |
IV.4 and start IV.5 |
Exercise IV.5.2 in written form due 10/27 |
Day 12: 10/20 |
IV.5 |
No homework |
Day 13: 10/21 x-hour instead of Friday 10/24 |
IV.6 |
Exercise IV.6.2 due Monday 10/27 |
Day 14: 10/22 |
IV.7 |
Exercises IV.6.5 and IV.7.2 due 10/27 |
10/24 Homecoming weekend no class |
Day 15: 10/27 |
IV.8 |
Exercise IV.8.1 due 11/3 |
Day 16: 10/29 |
IV.9 |
Exercise IV.9.5 due 11/3 |
Day 17: 10/31 |
V.1 |
Day 18: 11/3 |
V.2 and start V.3 |
Exercises V.2.9 and V.3.2 due 11/10 |
Day 19 x hour instead of 11/7- |
V.3 |
Exercise V.4.2 due 11/10 |
Day 19: 11/5 |
V.4 |
No homework |
Day 20: 11/7 No class |
Day 21: 11/10 |
V.5 and start V.6 |
Exercises V.5.1 and V.5.6 in oral form due 11/19 |
Day 22: 11/11 x-hour |
Finish V.6 |
Exercises V.6.1and V.6.4 in oral form due 11/19 |
Day 23: 11/12 |
V.7 |
Exercises V.7.4 and V.8.1 in oral form due 11/19 |
11/14 No class |
Day 24: 11/17 |
V.8 and applications to the Frobenius’s Theorem if we have time |
Exercise V.8.1 in oral form due 11/19 and V.8.2 in written form due 11/24 |
Day 25: 11/18 x-hour |
VI.1 and start VI.2 |
Exercises VI.1.1, and VI.2.5 in written form due 11/24 |
11/19 |
Oral Homework Presentation |
11/21 No class |
Day 26: 11/24 |
VI.4 |
Exercise: Which ones of the following are boundaries of oriented manifolds: 1. disk, 2. product of two circles; 3. product of the circle and the 3-sphere, 4. Klein bottle, 5. projective space of dimension two, 6. Moebius strip. Explain your answer. In written form due 12/3 |
Day 27 11/25 x-hour |
VI.5 |
Exercise VI.5.2 In written form due 12/3 |
Thanksgiving recess 11/26-11/30 |
Day 28: 12/1 |
VI.5, bordism groups, pairings between bordism and homology groups |
Exercise: Show that the integral of closed 1-form on a 2-sphere over the equatorial circle is zero due 12/3. |
Day 29: 12/3 |
“Discussion of some research topics in topology” |