Syllabus for Math 124
This syllabus is tentative and will be updated irregularly. The
homework page will be updated on the regular basis.
Lectures |
Sections in Text |
Description |
Day 1: 9/24 |
I.1-I.4 and III.1 |
Definition of manifolds and differentiable manifolds. Examples. Products of manifolds, open submanifolds, the sphere, cut and paste techniques. |
Day 2: 9/26 |
III.2 and III.3 |
Further examples of manifolds: projective plane, Grassman manifolds, homeomorphism between G(k, n) and G(n-k, n). Differentiable functions and mappings. |
Day 3: 9/29 |
III.3 and III.4 |
Examples of differentiable mappings, diffeomorphism, rank of mappings, immersion, submersions, imbeddings. |
Day 4: 10/1 |
III.5 and III.6 |
Submanifolds, preimage of a point as a submanifold, constant rank mappings. Definition of a Lie group and some simple examples. |
Day 5: 10/3 |
III.6 and start III.7 |
Sl(n,R) and O(n), subgroups of Lie groups and closed subgroups of Lie groups. The action of a Lie group on a manifold. |
Day 6: 10/6 |
III.7 and III.8 |
Examples of Lie group actions. Discrete group actions. Quotient spaces of Lie groups by discrete subgroups. |
10/7 x-hour |
Oral presentation of homework exercises. |
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Day 7: 10/8 |
III.9 |
Covering Manifolds Examples. Loose ends for Chapter III |
10/10 No class |
Day 8: 10/13 |
IV.1 |
Tangent space to a manifold, velocity vector of a curve, rank of mapping in terms of tangent space mappings. |
Day 9 10/14 x-hour instead of Friday 10/10r |
IV.2 and start IV.3 |
Vector fields. Lie groups are parallelizable. Parallelizability of spheres. Euler class. One parameter group actions. Integral curves. Integral curves with vanishing vector fields. |
Day 10: 10/15 |
IV.3 and IV.4 |
Local one parameter actions. Examples. The existence theorem for solutions of ODE. Uniqueness of integral curves. |
Day 11: 10/17 |
IV.5 and start IV.6 |
Examples of one parameter group actions on manifolds. Complete vector fields and left invariant vector fields on Lie groups. Correspondence between one parameter subgroups of a Lie group G and the elements of T_eG |
Day 12: 10/20 |
IV.6 and IV.7 |
Exponent map and the Lie algebra of vector fields on a manifold. |
Day 13: 10/21 |
IV.8 |
Frobenius’s Theorem |
Day 14: 10/22 |
IV.9 |
Homogeneous spaces. |
10/24 Homecoming weekend no class |
Day 15: 10/27 |
V.1 and start V.2 |
Covector fields on manifolds. Bilinear form fields. |
Day 16: 10/29 |
V.2 and V.3 |
Riemannian metric and Riemannian manifolds as metric spaces (sketch of prof). |
Day 17: 10/31 |
V.4 |
Day 18: 11/3 |
V.5 |
Tensor fields on manifolds, symmetrizing and alternating transformation. |
Day 19: 11/5 |
V.6 |
Multiplication of tensor fields. Exterior multiplication. Exterior algebra of alternating tensors on manifolds. Pull-back of exterior algebras. |
Day 20: 11/7 |
V.7 |
Orientation of manifolds, orientation covering, volume element. |
Day 21: 11/10 |
V.8 |
Exterior differentiation. Loose ends. Differential forms interpretation of the Frobenius’s Theorem if we have time. |
Day 22: 11/12 |
VI.1 and most of VI.2 |
Riemann Integral in R^n and integrals of forms on manifolds |
Day 23: 11/14 |
VI.2 and VI.3 |
Integrals of functions on Riemannin manifolds. Some words about integration on Lie groups. Orientability of Lie groups. Some statements about invariant metrics on Lie groups (possibly without proof.). |
Day 24: 11/17 |
VI.4 |
Manifolds with boundary. Induced orientation on the boundary of an oriented manifold. |
Day 25: 11/19 |
VI.5 |
Stokes Theorem. Examples: Greene, Gausss etc. calculus Theorems as particular cases of the Stokes Theorem. |
Day 26: 11/21 |
VI.6 and start VI.9 |
Homotopy of Mappings, fundamental group, contractible manifolds (shortly). Integration of forms along homotopic paths. Fundamental groups of a covering. Normal coverings. (Very few proofs.) |
Day 27: 11/24 |
VI.7 |
Exact and closed forms.De Rhap cohomology groups. Behavior of cohomology groups of manifolds under mappings. The top cohomology group of a closed oriented manifolds. Homotopy operator. |
Thanksgiving recess 11/25-11/30 |
Day 28: 12/1 |
VI.8 |
Applications of de Rham groups. Mappings from disks to their boundary, orientability of projective spaces. Cohomology groups of Lie groups (if we have time). |
Day 29: 12/3 |
Bordism groups and a few tricks about integration. Loose ends. |