Mathematics 36
Winter 2003
Prerequisites: Math 6 or 20, and Math 13.
Text: Mathematical Models in the Social Sciences by Kemeny and Snell.
Classes: MWF 10:00 - 11:05 in 103 Gerry. The x-hours,
won't be used, unless announced otherwise in class.
Instructor: Jeff Kiralis, 312 Bradley Hall, 6-2411.
Office hours: M 12:00-1:00, W 11:05 -12:00, F 1:00 -2:00 and by appointment.
Homework: Problems will usually be assigned after each class.
At the end of each week, you will
be asked to turn in some of these the following Monday or Wednesday.
Late homework will not be accepted.
Wednesday, Jan 29,
Wednesday, February 26.
Grading: Two Exams, 15% each; Homework 35%; Projects 35%.
Honor Code:
Homework: You may work together on assignments.
However, write up all homework to be graded by yourself.
Copying from another person's paper or notes is
a violation of the honor code, even if you worked with that person.
Exams: Giving or receiving any help
during an exam is a violation of the honor code.
Any student with a documented disability needing academic
adjustments or accommodations should talk
to me by the end of the second week of the term. All discussions will
remain confidential, except the Student
Disabilities Coordinator may be consulted to verify the documentation of
the disability.