Principles of
Calculus Modeling
An Interactive Approach

Donald Kreider
Dwight Lahr KLbook

Software Requirements and Settings

Go to the textbook website to view the section pages.

Software Requirements

To use the electronic components of the textbook by Kreider and Lahr you must have the following software installed on your computer. All of it is free, but you should be sure that you have it before you open the book section pages. These are fairly common software tools and many of them may already be on your computer. Do a Search or Find files on your machine to see which ones you need.

Acrobat Reader

The problems of the book print in "pdf" format. To print them, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader which can be downloaded from the Acrobat Reader site.


Applets in the book run in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5. All PC users running Windows should have this browser already. Mac users can get it at the Internet Explorer 5 download site. Mac users will also need to install the MRJ 2.2.5 (java) package for IE on Mac, available at the Apple java site.

Videos Require RealPlayer 8 Basic

Get it at the RealPlayer download site. The free player is listed in about the middle of the page.

Animations Require Macromedia Flash

If you do not already have Flash or Shockwave installed, you can get a free player from the Macromedia download website.

Software Settings

Set IE to Be the Default Browser for Acrobat Reader

Acrobat Reader allows control of the default web browser (quite apart of the operating system's default web browser). The browser needs to be set to Internet Explorer. To do this, Windows users start up Acrobat Reader and go to the menu File/Preferences/Weblinks..., and there one can point Acrobat Reader to Internet Explorer. Mac users follow a similar procedure, starting Acrobat Reader and proceeding to the menu Edit/Preferences/Weblink..., and selecting the WWW Browser Application IE 5.

Set Monitor to 1024

If your monitor supports 1024, you should set it there or higher. Otherwise, you may have to scroll to see an entire applet.