Jody Trout

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Dartmouth College


"It is enigma enough that the Universe is described by mathematics, but by simple mathematics, of the sort that a few years energetic study now produces familiarity with, this is a mystery within an enigma."

-- John D. Barrow, University of Sussex

Office: Room 302 Kemeny Hall
Office Phone: (603) 646 - 2958
Dept Fax: (603) 646 - 1312

Regular Mail: 6188 Kemeny Hall, Hanover, NH 03755

Electronic Mail: jody dot trout at dartmouth dot edu

·      I am teaching Math 66: Mathematical Topics in Modern Physics in Spring 2024

·      I taught Math 35 (Real Analysis) in Winter 2024.

·      On Thursday, September 28, I gave the Functional Analysis seminar on States, Spectra, and Numerical Radii in Operator Algebras.

·      I taught Math 73 / 103 (Metric Spaces and Measure Theory) in Fall 2023.

·      I gave a talk On the Algebraic Structure of General Mechanics at the 2nd International Conference on Physics and its Applications in Los Angeles CA (July 17-20, 2023) (PDF Version)

·      During the week of July 24-28th, I gave  talks on “Basic Spectral Theory” in the Math 117 First Year Graduate Seminar.

·      On Thursday, May 25, I gave the Functional Analysis seminar on the Algebraic Structure of General Mechanics (Part 2).

·      On Thursday, January 19th, I gave a talk on The Fourth Dimension : History and the Hypercube to the Dartmouth Math Society.

·      On Thursday, November 10, I gave the Functional Analysis Seminar on the Algebraic Structure of General Mechanics which is joint work with Shadi Ali Ahmad ’22.



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