Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2005
Generated 01-Jun-2005 05:35 EDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2005
Total Hits 1932
Total Files 1396
Total Pages 863
Total Visits 446
Total KBytes 47825
Total Unique Sites 295
Total Unique URLs 93
Total Unique Referrers 49
Total Unique User Agents 39
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 2 99
Hits per Day 62 139
Files per Day 45 88
Pages per Day 27 52
Visits per Day 14 22
KBytes per Day 1543 8905
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 1396
Code 206 - Partial Content 28
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 98
Code 304 - Not Modified 331
Code 404 - Not Found 78
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 1

Daily usage for May 2005

Daily Statistics for May 2005
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 36 1.86% 28 2.01% 20 2.32% 12 2.69% 10 3.39% 556 1.16%
2 47 2.43% 32 2.29% 22 2.55% 9 2.02% 9 3.05% 610 1.28%
3 44 2.28% 38 2.72% 17 1.97% 12 2.69% 22 7.46% 4442 9.29%
4 47 2.43% 34 2.44% 24 2.78% 13 2.91% 14 4.75% 781 1.63%
5 47 2.43% 29 2.08% 28 3.24% 19 4.26% 26 8.81% 501 1.05%
6 98 5.07% 78 5.59% 38 4.40% 22 4.93% 30 10.17% 1584 3.31%
7 40 2.07% 30 2.15% 23 2.67% 15 3.36% 14 4.75% 285 0.60%
8 21 1.09% 16 1.15% 15 1.74% 9 2.02% 8 2.71% 180 0.38%
9 65 3.36% 49 3.51% 35 4.06% 20 4.48% 17 5.76% 805 1.68%
10 37 1.92% 22 1.58% 18 2.09% 11 2.47% 8 2.71% 346 0.72%
11 104 5.38% 88 6.30% 52 6.03% 21 4.71% 23 7.80% 5397 11.29%
12 93 4.81% 77 5.52% 41 4.75% 17 3.81% 18 6.10% 1665 3.48%
13 82 4.24% 60 4.30% 33 3.82% 21 4.71% 23 7.80% 1901 3.97%
14 73 3.78% 62 4.44% 33 3.82% 20 4.48% 19 6.44% 2073 4.34%
15 33 1.71% 22 1.58% 20 2.32% 12 2.69% 13 4.41% 558 1.17%
16 80 4.14% 69 4.94% 35 4.06% 17 3.81% 18 6.10% 1324 2.77%
17 61 3.16% 47 3.37% 28 3.24% 15 3.36% 16 5.42% 912 1.91%
18 60 3.11% 45 3.22% 28 3.24% 14 3.14% 16 5.42% 4509 9.43%
19 58 3.00% 44 3.15% 27 3.13% 16 3.59% 16 5.42% 1006 2.10%
20 33 1.71% 27 1.93% 15 1.74% 11 2.47% 11 3.73% 519 1.09%
21 95 4.92% 64 4.58% 37 4.29% 15 3.36% 16 5.42% 1054 2.20%
22 139 7.19% 37 2.65% 49 5.68% 15 3.36% 12 4.07% 778 1.63%
23 78 4.04% 63 4.51% 33 3.82% 17 3.81% 21 7.12% 1178 2.46%
24 30 1.55% 25 1.79% 16 1.85% 8 1.79% 9 3.05% 478 1.00%
25 65 3.36% 56 4.01% 19 2.20% 14 3.14% 14 4.75% 604 1.26%
26 91 4.71% 80 5.73% 36 4.17% 19 4.26% 25 8.47% 8905 18.62%
27 113 5.85% 71 5.09% 48 5.56% 14 3.14% 13 4.41% 1285 2.69%
28 14 0.72% 4 0.29% 11 1.27% 7 1.57% 8 2.71% 32 0.07%
29 15 0.78% 7 0.50% 12 1.39% 8 1.79% 9 3.05% 156 0.33%
30 74 3.83% 62 4.44% 27 3.13% 16 3.59% 17 5.76% 1535 3.21%
31 59 3.05% 30 2.15% 23 2.67% 7 1.57% 7 2.37% 1864 3.90%

Hourly usage for May 2005

Hourly Statistics for May 2005
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 1 56 2.90% 1 49 3.51% 0 24 2.78% 40 1226 2.56%
1 1 59 3.05% 1 49 3.51% 0 23 2.67% 27 842 1.76%
2 1 50 2.59% 1 40 2.87% 1 32 3.71% 22 696 1.46%
3 1 33 1.71% 0 26 1.86% 0 24 2.78% 11 333 0.70%
4 0 25 1.29% 0 20 1.43% 0 11 1.27% 13 389 0.81%
5 1 41 2.12% 1 31 2.22% 0 20 2.32% 25 786 1.64%
6 3 106 5.49% 1 59 4.23% 1 51 5.91% 32 1001 2.09%
7 3 93 4.81% 2 65 4.66% 1 42 4.87% 48 1487 3.11%
8 3 117 6.06% 2 78 5.59% 1 47 5.45% 284 8793 18.39%
9 2 68 3.52% 1 53 3.80% 1 34 3.94% 43 1340 2.80%
10 3 123 6.37% 3 111 7.95% 1 41 4.75% 62 1908 3.99%
11 3 95 4.92% 2 68 4.87% 1 42 4.87% 58 1792 3.75%
12 5 158 8.18% 1 41 2.94% 2 65 7.53% 31 953 1.99%
13 3 98 5.07% 2 69 4.94% 1 52 6.03% 36 1122 2.35%
14 3 96 4.97% 2 77 5.52% 1 43 4.98% 59 1825 3.82%
15 2 65 3.36% 1 47 3.37% 1 31 3.59% 32 1006 2.10%
16 2 86 4.45% 2 76 5.44% 1 33 3.82% 59 1842 3.85%
17 4 129 6.68% 3 97 6.95% 1 57 6.60% 50 1542 3.22%
18 2 76 3.93% 1 59 4.23% 1 33 3.82% 44 1370 2.86%
19 3 101 5.23% 2 79 5.66% 1 44 5.10% 57 1759 3.68%
20 1 38 1.97% 1 33 2.36% 0 16 1.85% 360 11152 23.32%
21 2 82 4.24% 1 59 4.23% 1 33 3.82% 37 1132 2.37%
22 2 90 4.66% 2 79 5.66% 1 44 5.10% 85 2638 5.52%
23 1 47 2.43% 1 31 2.22% 0 21 2.43% 29 890 1.86%

Top 30 of 93 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 259 13.41% 1641 3.43% /~jodyt/
2 173 8.95% 7771 16.25% /~jodyt/graeco-latin-sphere-51x51
3 70 3.62% 378 0.79% /~jodyt/Calculus.Op.Art.html
4 42 2.17% 121 0.25% /~jodyt/publ.html
5 41 2.12% 602 1.26% /~jodyt/Math.98.Spring.2005.html
6 39 2.02% 84 0.18% /~jodyt/personal.html
7 29 1.50% 72 0.15% /~jodyt/research.html
8 27 1.40% 42 0.09% /~jodyt/Math.98.Spring.2005_files/image007.png
9 24 1.24% 54 0.11% /~jodyt/funlinks.html
10 16 0.83% 222 0.46% /~jodyt/kemeny04.baum.html
11 14 0.72% 1630 3.41% /~jodyt/IPSI.2003.Trout.pdf
12 11 0.57% 4 0.01% /~jodyt/peru.html
13 10 0.52% 110 0.23% /
14 9 0.47% 102 0.21% /~funct-an/
15 8 0.41% 78 0.16% /~jodyt/webalizer/
16 6 0.31% 122 0.26% /~jodyt/
17 6 0.31% 17677 36.96% /~jodyt/Trout.4DATC.pdf
18 6 0.31% 126 0.26% /~jodyt/coverpage.jpeg
19 5 0.26% 1032 2.16% /~jodyt/REtheory.tex.pdf
20 4 0.21% 0 0.00% /~jodyt/Dirac.pict
21 4 0.21% 0 0.00% /~jodyt/EG.Theory.pdf
22 3 0.16% 0 0.00% /~jodyt/photo1.jpeg
23 3 0.16% 0 0.00% /~jodyt/photo3.jpeg
24 3 0.16% 0 0.00% /~jodyt/photo4.jpeg
25 3 0.16% 242 0.51% /~jodyt/webalizer/usage_200309.html
26 2 0.10% 0 0.00% /~jodyt/Math.98.Spring.2005_files/filelist.xml
27 2 0.10% 0 0.00% /~jodyt/kemeny04.baum_files/filelist.xml
28 2 0.10% 5 0.01% /~jodyt/webalizer/ctry_usage_200309.png
29 2 0.10% 4 0.01% /~jodyt/webalizer/ctry_usage_200403.png
30 2 0.10% 4 0.01% /~jodyt/webalizer/daily_usage_200309.png

Top 10 of 93 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 6 0.31% 17677 36.96% /~jodyt/Trout.4DATC.pdf
2 173 8.95% 7771 16.25% /~jodyt/graeco-latin-sphere-51x51
3 259 13.41% 1641 3.43% /~jodyt/
4 14 0.72% 1630 3.41% /~jodyt/IPSI.2003.Trout.pdf
5 1 0.05% 1164 2.43% /~jodyt/
6 5 0.26% 1032 2.16% /~jodyt/REtheory.tex.pdf
7 41 2.12% 602 1.26% /~jodyt/Math.98.Spring.2005.html
8 70 3.62% 378 0.79% /~jodyt/Calculus.Op.Art.html
9 2 0.10% 248 0.52% /~jodyt/webalizer/usage_200403.html
10 3 0.16% 242 0.51% /~jodyt/webalizer/usage_200309.html

Top 10 of 29 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 259 13.41% 145 41.19% /~jodyt/
2 70 3.62% 61 17.33% /~jodyt/Calculus.Op.Art.html
3 41 2.12% 32 9.09% /~jodyt/Math.98.Spring.2005.html
4 173 8.95% 21 5.97% /~jodyt/graeco-latin-sphere-51x51
5 42 2.17% 18 5.11% /~jodyt/publ.html
6 16 0.83% 13 3.69% /~jodyt/kemeny04.baum.html
7 39 2.02% 11 3.12% /~jodyt/personal.html
8 24 1.24% 8 2.27% /~jodyt/funlinks.html
9 11 0.57% 8 2.27% /~jodyt/peru.html
10 29 1.50% 8 2.27% /~jodyt/research.html

Top 10 of 32 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 259 13.41% 138 31.80% /~jodyt/
2 173 8.95% 80 18.43% /~jodyt/graeco-latin-sphere-51x51
3 70 3.62% 61 14.06% /~jodyt/Calculus.Op.Art.html
4 41 2.12% 34 7.83% /~jodyt/Math.98.Spring.2005.html
5 39 2.02% 15 3.46% /~jodyt/personal.html
6 42 2.17% 15 3.46% /~jodyt/publ.html
7 16 0.83% 14 3.23% /~jodyt/kemeny04.baum.html
8 24 1.24% 13 3.00% /~jodyt/funlinks.html
9 29 1.50% 13 3.00% /~jodyt/research.html
10 11 0.57% 8 1.84% /~jodyt/peru.html

Top 30 of 295 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 97 5.02% 8 0.57% 191 0.40% 1 0.22%
2 77 3.99% 24 1.72% 201 0.42% 24 5.38%
3 60 3.11% 30 2.15% 243 0.51% 30 6.73%
4 51 2.64% 42 3.01% 1050 2.20% 6 1.35%
5 47 2.43% 33 2.36% 834 1.74% 5 1.12%
6 42 2.17% 42 3.01% 8 0.02% 4 0.90%
7 42 2.17% 20 1.43% 307 0.64% 2 0.45%
8 38 1.97% 20 1.43% 372 0.78% 1 0.22%
9 28 1.45% 18 1.29% 280 0.58% 1 0.22%
10 25 1.29% 24 1.72% 353 0.74% 1 0.22%
11 25 1.29% 24 1.72% 367 0.77% 1 0.22%
12 24 1.24% 22 1.58% 366 0.77% 1 0.22%
13 24 1.24% 23 1.65% 286 0.60% 1 0.22%
14 22 1.14% 21 1.50% 214 0.45% 1 0.22%
15 21 1.09% 20 1.43% 361 0.75% 1 0.22%
16 21 1.09% 21 1.50% 394 0.82% 1 0.22%
17 21 1.09% 20 1.43% 449 0.94% 1 0.22%
18 21 1.09% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00%
19 20 1.04% 19 1.36% 289 0.61% 1 0.22%
20 20 1.04% 14 1.00% 261 0.54% 4 0.90%
21 20 1.04% 7 0.50% 131 0.27% 1 0.22%
22 20 1.04% 1 0.07% 10 0.02% 8 1.79%
23 19 0.98% 18 1.29% 279 0.58% 1 0.22%
24 19 0.98% 19 1.36% 285 0.60% 1 0.22%
25 19 0.98% 14 1.00% 299 0.63% 1 0.22%
26 18 0.93% 16 1.15% 382 0.80% 1 0.22%
27 18 0.93% 18 1.29% 279 0.58% 1 0.22%
28 17 0.88% 16 1.15% 616 1.29% 1 0.22%
29 17 0.88% 16 1.15% 205 0.43% 1 0.22%
30 16 0.83% 8 0.57% 191 0.40% 1 0.22%

Top 10 of 295 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 4 0.21% 4 0.29% 14024 29.32% 0 0.00%
2 2 0.10% 2 0.14% 3653 7.64% 0 0.00%
3 8 0.41% 6 0.43% 1333 2.79% 0 0.00%
4 51 2.64% 42 3.01% 1050 2.20% 6 1.35%
5 47 2.43% 33 2.36% 834 1.74% 5 1.12%
6 4 0.21% 4 0.29% 825 1.73% 0 0.00%
7 4 0.21% 4 0.29% 637 1.33% 0 0.00%
8 17 0.88% 16 1.15% 616 1.29% 1 0.22%
9 21 1.09% 20 1.43% 449 0.94% 1 0.22%
10 21 1.09% 21 1.50% 394 0.82% 1 0.22%

Top 30 of 49 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 831 43.01%
2 65 3.36%
3 48 2.48%
4 26 1.35%
5 18 0.93%
6 17 0.88%
7 13 0.67% http://math/people/faculty/permanent/index.phtml
8 12 0.62%
9 11 0.57%
10 9 0.47%
11 7 0.36%
12 6 0.31%
13 6 0.31%
14 4 0.21%
15 3 0.16%
16 3 0.16%
17 3 0.16%
18 3 0.16%
19 2 0.10%
20 2 0.10%
21 2 0.10%
22 2 0.10%
23 2 0.10%
24 2 0.10%
25 2 0.10%
26 1 0.05%
27 1 0.05%
28 1 0.05%
29 1 0.05%
30 1 0.05%

Top 20 of 55 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 11 12.50% personal webpage
2 8 9.09% john trout
3 7 7.95% jody trout
4 4 4.55% calculus in art
5 4 4.55% personal web page
6 3 3.41% quantum logic
7 2 2.27% jody trout dartmouth
8 2 2.27% optical illusion in calculus
9 1 1.14% anuszkiewicz
10 1 1.14% area diamond geometry
11 1 1.14% art and calculus
12 1 1.14% asymptotic periodicity
13 1 1.14% calculus and art
14 1 1.14% calculus art
15 1 1.14% calculus infinite sequence area of square in circle
16 1 1.14% calculus of art
17 1 1.14% calculus op art
18 1 1.14% calculus optical illusions
19 1 1.14% circles optical illusions calculus
20 1 1.14% colour perception illusion borders

Top 15 of 39 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 988 51.14% MSIE 6.0
2 212 10.97% Mozilla/5.0
3 160 8.28% Yahoo! Slurp
4 112 5.80% MSIE 5.2
5 77 3.99% htdig/3.1.6 (
6 55 2.85% Googlebot/2.1 (+
7 46 2.38% MSIE 5.0
8 41 2.12% Googlebot-Image/1.0
9 27 1.40% Mozilla 4.0
10 24 1.24% Konqueror/3.2
11 21 1.09% Yahoo-MMCrawler/3.x (mms dash mmcrawler dash support at yahoo dash inc dot com)
12 20 1.04% Ultraseek
13 20 1.04% genevabot +http://www.h
14 18 0.93% MSIE 5.5
15 16 0.83% ichiro/1.0 (

Usage by Country for May 2005

Top 26 of 26 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 493 25.52% 336 24.07% 23800 49.77% US Commercial
2 402 20.81% 336 24.07% 6556 13.71% Network
3 390 20.19% 273 19.56% 5335 11.15% Unresolved/Unknown
4 353 18.27% 226 16.19% 4367 9.13% US Educational
5 44 2.28% 37 2.65% 526 1.10% Italy
6 42 2.17% 20 1.43% 307 0.64% Russian Federation
7 34 1.76% 33 2.36% 708 1.48% United Kingdom
8 25 1.29% 23 1.65% 374 0.78% Germany
9 25 1.29% 24 1.72% 353 0.74% Denmark
10 18 0.93% 17 1.22% 358 0.75% Non-Profit Organization
11 17 0.88% 16 1.15% 205 0.43% Greece
12 16 0.83% 16 1.15% 222 0.47% Japan
13 14 0.72% 14 1.00% 286 0.60% Canada
14 14 0.72% 9 0.64% 59 0.12% United States
15 12 0.62% 12 0.86% 197 0.41% Sweden
16 9 0.47% 9 0.64% 62 0.13% Netherlands
17 8 0.41% 8 0.57% 191 0.40% Australia
18 6 0.31% 6 0.43% 205 0.43% Peru
19 2 0.10% 2 0.14% 3653 7.64% US Government
20 2 0.10% 1 0.07% 8 0.02% Czech Republic
21 1 0.05% 1 0.07% 8 0.02% Cyprus
22 1 0.05% 1 0.07% 18 0.04% Spain
23 1 0.05% 1 0.07% 7 0.01% Macedonia
24 1 0.05% 1 0.07% 7 0.01% Mexico
25 1 0.05% 1 0.07% 7 0.01% New Zealand (Aotearoa)
26 1 0.05% 1 0.07% 7 0.01% Poland

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01