Robert throws a rock into a lake, which creates a circle of ripples which moves away from the point of impact at a constant speed of 50 centimeters per second.
What is the rate of change in the area of the circle after 1 second? After 10 seconds? After t seconds?
First, we find the formula for the radius of the circle of ripples at any time t. The ripples move outward from the point where the rock entered the pond at a speed of 50 centimeters per second, so the radius of the circle is 50t centimeters. The area of the circle at time t is
The rate of change in the area of the circle can be found by taking the derivative. Since we have a formula for the area at any time t, the derivative A'(t) will give us a formula for the rate of change of the area with respect to time at any time t.
Using the power rule,
After 1 second, the rate of change in the area of the circle is
After 10 seconds,