Use Newton's Method to approximate to 6 decimal places the solution to the equation
As with the previous problem, there is more than one solution to the equation, since tan(x/4) – 1 has infinitely many roots. Which one we find will depend on the initial guess x0.
We need the derivative t'(x).
Choose an initial value.
Then for each xn,
Here are the first 10 iterations.
From the table, the 10th iteration of Newton's Method gives
as the solution; we may recognize that this is 5p (the exact solution) given to 3 decimal places of accuracy. We can check this answer by remembering what we know about the tangent function. The equation
we can solve by inspection; tan(p/4) = 1, so x = p. tan(x/4) is periodic, with period 4p, so whenever x is a solution, so is x + 4p or x – 4p. Therefore, the family of solutions to the equation can be expressed as
where n is an integer.