Multivariable Calculus
Fall 2011
General Info | Day-to-day | Resources
Zajj Daugherty -
Office hours: 314 Kemeny, Tuesday 12-2, Friday 11:15-12:15
Erik van Erp - Office hours:
308 Kemeny, Monday 2-4pm and Tuesday 2-4pm
1: Period 10, in 007 Kemeny Hall, with Zajj Daugherty
2: Period 11, in 007 Kemeny Hall, with Erik van Erp
3: Period 12, in Moore Hall, Filene Auditorium, with Erik van Erp
Required book
Multivariable Calculus, by Jon Rogawski (second edition)
Our graduate teaching assistants will run tutorials, Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights from 7-9pm in 007 Kemeny, focusing on working through problems. Please bring questions you are stuck on! Your TAs are: Emma Chiapetta, Jonathan Epstein, and Nathan McNew.
Homework will consist of two parts:
The first is the most important: we will give you a list of odd-numbered questions from the text that you are strongly advised to complete. These will not be handed in. However, we will assume that you are able to do all of these exercises. If you get stuck you should bring the particular questions to office hours and tutorials. Mastering these exercises is essential preparation for exams!
Secondly, each Wednesday at start of lecture, you will hand in a smaller written assignment which is collected and graded. The format will be 2-4 exam-style written problems. These will be posted online or handed out the previous Friday. You should make sure you can do the first part of the homework before attempting these.
We will try to give you ample time to complete exam questions. However, practice is key. Be sure to keep up with all recommended problems.
Midterm 1: Thursday Oct 13, 6-8pm
Location: period 10: Moore Filene; period 11: 104 Wilder; period 12: Moore Filene
Midterm 2: Tuesday Nov 8, 6-8pm
Location: period 10: Moore Filene; period 11: 104 Wilder; period 12: Moore Filene
Final exam: Saturday, Dec 3, 11:30am, Murdough Cook (all sections)
Honor principle
Exams: no help given or received.
Homework: group discussion and collaboration on problem techniques is great and helpful. Write-ups must be done individually (i.e. no copying).
15% - collected homework
25% - Midterm 1
25% - Midterm 2
35% - Final
Special needs
I encourage students with disabilities, including "invisible" disabilities like chronic diseases and learning disabilities, to discuss with us any appropriate accommodations that might be helpful. Let me know asap, certainly in first 2 weeks. Also stop by the Academic Skills Center in 301 Collis to register for support services.
Private tutoring
Tutor Clearinghouse may have private one-on-one tutors available for Math 11. The tutors are recruited on the basis that they have done well in the subject, and are trained by the Academic Skills Center. If a student receives financial aid, the College will pay for three hours of tutoring per week. If you would like to have a tutor, please go to 301 Collis and apply as early as possible. For more information check the academic skills center site.
Religious observance
Some students may wish to take part in religious observances that occur during this academic term. If you have a religious observance that conflicts with your participation in the course, please meet with me before the end of the second week of the term to discuss appropriate accommodations.