Syllabus for Math 124
This syllabus is tentative and will be updated irregularly. The
homework page will be updated on the regular basis.
Lectures |
Sections in Text |
Description |
Day 1, September 22 |
Chapter 1 |
Manifolds and Submanifolds, examples and properties, Manifolds with boundary |
Day 2, September 27 |
Chapter 2 |
Differentiable structures, atlases, smooth manifolds, critical point, regular value, expression of functions in different coordinate systems, |
Day 3, September 29 |
Chapter 2 |
Measure zero sets, Sard Theorem, presentations of functions of fixed rank, immersion, immersed and imbedded submanifolds, |
Day 4, October 4 |
Chapter 2 |
Boundary of manifold as an imbedded submanifold. Preimage of a point under a constant rank mapping is a submanifold, GL(n), SL(n) as submanifolds |
Day 5, October 6 |
Chapter 2 |
Covers, Refinements of covers. Partitions of unity and their applications, imbeddings of manifolds into Euclidian spaces |
Day 6, October 11 |
Chapter 3 |
Tangent vectors, fibers and projection maps, n-dimensional vector bundles, equivalence of vector bundles |
Day 8, October 13 |
Chapter 3 |
Trivial vector bundles, bundle maps, examples of trivial and nontrivial bundles. sections of vector bundles, vector fields, Euler class Tangent bundle. Euler characteristic of the manifold is the Euler class of the tangent bundle TM, tangent vectors as derivations. |
October 18, No class |
Day 8, October 19 x-hour instead of a class on 10/18 |
Tangent bundle. Euler characteristic of the manifold is the Euler class of the tangent bundle TM, tangent vectors as derivations. |
Day 9, October 20 |
Chapter 3 |
Orientation of a bundle, orientability, summation of bundles and induced bundles (briefly if time permits) |
Day 10, October 25 |
Chapter 4 |
Dual bundle, Cotangent bundle, coordinate description for the differential, covariant tensor fields |
Day 11, October 27 TENTATIVELY the Take home Midterm
exam is given out. It will be due Thursday November 3 |
Chapter 4 |
Tensors in local coordinates, contraction of tensors, covariant and contravariant functors |
Day 12, November 1 |
Chapter 5 |
Integral curves, existence of solution theorems for differential equations without proofs, flows, compact support case, straightening of a vector field |
Day 13, November 3 |
Chapter 5 |
Lie derivative and its properties, Lie bracket of vector fields and Lie algebra |
Day 14, November 8 |
Chapter 5 and 6 |
Existence of coordinate system for tangent to vector fields with vanishing brackets, Distributions, integrable distributions |
Day 15, November 10 |
Chapter 6 |
Frobenius Theorem and maximal integral submanifolds |
Day 16, November 15 |
Chapter 7 |
Differential forms, differential of a form, closed and exact form, cohomology groups |
x-hour November 16 Oral homework presentations |
Day 17, November 17 |
Chapter 8 |
Day 18, November 22 |
Chapter 9 |
Riemann metric, its existence via partition of unity length of curves |
Day 19, November 29 TENTATIVELY the take home Final Exam will be distributed on December 1 and it will be due in the evening of December 7 |
Chapter 10 |
Lie groups and Lie algebras, one parametric subgroups, examples |
Student with disabilities: Students with learning, physical, or psychiatric disabilities enrolled in this course that may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an office appointment to see me before the end of the second week of the term. All discussions will remain confidential, although the Student Disability Services office may be consulted to discuss appropriate implementation of any accommodation requested. At such a meeting please provide me with a copy of a disability registration form, which lists the accommodations recommended for the student by Student Disability Services within the Academic Skills Center The person you might want to contact at the Academic Skills center is the Student Disabilities (504) Coordinator Cathy Trueba 301 Collis Center - (603) 646-2014