Math 124
Fall 2010
Current Problems in Topology
Lecture Plan
This lecture plan is tentative and will be updated irregularly. The homework page
will be updated on the regular basis
Lectures |
Sections in Text |
Brief Description |
Wednesday September 22 |
Chapter 1 |
Manifolds and Submanifolds, examples and properties,
Manifolds with boundary |
Friday September 24 No class. Instead we have an x-hour on Tuesday September 28 |
Monday September 27 |
Chapter 2 |
Differentiable structures,
atlases, smooth manifolds |
Tuesday September 28 x-hour instead of the class on Thursday September 24 |
Chapter 2 |
Critical point, regular
value, expression of functions in different coordinate systems |
Wednesday September 29 |
Chapter 2 |
Measure zero sets, Sard Theorem |
Friday October 1 |
Chapter 2 |
Presentations of functions of
fixed rank, immersion, immersed and imbedded submanifolds, |
Monday October 4 Note that Tuesday October 5 is the final day to establish
the course load |
Chapter 2 |
Boundary of manifold as an
imbedded submanifold. Preimage of a point under a constant rank mapping is a submanifold |
Wednesday October 6 Final day for electing to use the Non-Recording Option. |
Chapter 2 |
GL(n), SL(n) as submanifolds. Covers, Refinements of
covers. |
Friday October 8 |
Chapter 2 |
Partitions of unity and their
applications,imbeddings of manifolds into Euclidian
spaces |
Monday October 11 |
Chapter 3 |
Tangent vectors, fibers and
projection maps, n-dimensional vector bundles |
Wednesday October
13 |
Chapter 3 |
Equivalence of vector bundles,
trivial vector bundles, bundle maps, examples of
trivial and nontrivial bundles |
Friday October 15 |
Chapter 3 |
Sections of vector bundles, vector fields, Euler class |
Monday October 18 |
Chapter 3 |
Euler characteristic of the
manifold is the Euler class of the
tangent bundle TM, tangent vectors as derivations |
Wednesday October 20 |
Chapter 3 |
Orientation of a bundle, orientability, summation of bundles and
induced bundles (briefly if time permits) |
Friday October 22 |
Chapter 4 |
Dual bundle, Cotangent
bundle, coordinate description for the differential, |
Monday October 25 Middle of the term presentation and
discussion should be done in the period Monday October 25- Friday October 29 |
Chapter 4 |
Covariant tensor fields,
tensors in local coordinates |
Tuesday October 26 x-hour instead of the class on Friday October 28 |
Chapter 4 |
Contraction of tensors,
covariant and contravariant functors |
Wednesday October 26 |
Chapter 5 |
Integral curves, existence of
solution theorems for differential equations without proofs, flows |
Friday October 28 No class. Instead we have an x-hour on Tuesday October 26.
Have a nice homecoming weekend J |
Monday November 1 Note that Tuesday November 2 is the final day for
dropping the fourth course |
Chapter 5 |
Flows with compact support,
straightening of a vector field |
Wednesday November 3 |
Chapter 5 |
Lie derivative and its
properties, Lie bracket of vector fields and Lie algebra |
Friday November 5 |
Chapter 6 |
Monday November 8 |
Chapter 6 |
Distributions, integrable distributions |
Wednesday November 10 |
Chapter 6 |
Frobenius Theorem and maximal integral submanifolds |
Friday November 12 Final day to withdraw from a course |
Chapter 7 |
Differential forms, |
Monday November 15 |
Chapter 7 |
Differential of a form,
closed and exact forms |
Tuesday November 16 x-hour instead of the class on Friday November 19 |
Chapter 7 |
Cohomology groups |
Wednesday November
17 |
Chapter 8 |
Bordism groups |
Friday November 19 No class, instead we have an x-hour on Tuesday November 16 |
Monday November 22 |
Chapter 8 |
Integration Stokes Theorem |
Thanksgiving recess:
starts at 5:50 PM on Tuesday November 23
and ends at 7:45 AM on Monday November 29 |
Monday November 29 |
Chapter 8 |
Itegration Stokes Theorem |
Wednesday December 1 |
Chapter 8 |
Piring between bordism groups and cohomology |
Thursday December 2-Friday December 3 Pre-Examination Break |
End of the term presentation and
discussion should be done in the period Thursday December 2 – Tuesday
December 6 Final Examinations begin on Saturday December 4 and end
on Wednesday December 8 |