Math 13
Homework Schedule
I have learned throughout my life as a composer chiefly through my mistakes and
pursuits of false assumptions, not by my exposure to fonts of wisdom and knowledge.
Igor Stravinsky
Class participation is an essential part of the course; mathematics is not a spectator sport.
For this section, class participation consists of reading assignments, quizzes, and homework problems.
Reading Assignments
Reading assignments will be given daily and should be read before coming to class.
For some of my thoughts on reading mathematics texts,
click here.
Quizzes will be administered at the end of class on Monday covering material presented in
lecture the previous week.
They will consist of a couple of questions and should only take 10 - 15 minutes to complete.
If you do the homework for the lectures given the previous week (including Friday's homework),
then you should do fine on the quizzes.
Homework Problems
Homework problems will be assigned daily and collected the following class period.
Homework will be turned in and picked up from the boxes outside of 103 Bradley.
Late homework will not be accepted and a grade of 0 will be assigned
(of course, exceptions can be made for emergencies such as illness, death, natural disasters...).
Your homework will be corrected by a class grader and returned as soon as possible.
The solutions you present must be coherent and written in complete sentences whenever possible.
Simply stating answers or turning in garbled, unclear solutions will result in a grade of 0.
Homework will be graded on a 0-1-2 scale: 2 = correct,
1 = mostly correct, 0 = mostly incorrect or missing.
The Schedule
On the remainder of this page you will find schedule for the course, including
reading assignments, quiz dates and homework assignments.
There is also some information concerning the exams, which will be updated periodically to include
lists of review problems and late-breaking news.
Chapter 11: Vectors and Analytic Geometry
- Lecture 1 on 9/25
Sections 11.1-11.3 : Vectors
- Lecture 2 on 9/28
Sections 11.4-11.5 : Dot and Cross Product
Chapter 12: Differential Calculus
- Lecture 3 on 9/30
Section 12.1 : Functions of Several Variables
- Lecture 4 on 10/2
Section 12.2 : Limits and Continuity
- Lecture 5 on 10/5
Section 12.3 : Partial Derivatives
- Quiz on Lectures 2 - 4
- Homework 5 due 10/9:
click here
- Lecture 6 on 10/7
Section 12.4 : Tangent Planes and Differentials
- Lecture 7 on 10/9
Section 12.5 : The Chain Rule
- Lecture 8 on 10/12
Section 12.6 : Directional Derivatives and the Gradient Vector
- Quiz on Lectures 5 - 7
- Homework 8 due 10/16:
click here
- Lecture 9 on 10/14
Section 12.6-12.7 : Directional Derivatives & Maximum and Minimum Values
- Lecture 10 on 10/16
Section 12.7 : Maximum and Minimum Values
Midterm Exam 1
The first exam is on Tuesday, October 20th from 6:00-8:00 pm in 113 SILSBY.
There are no calculators allowed on the exam, which is worth 125 points and 25% of your final grade.
The exam will cover the material listed above; i.e., Sections 11.1 - 11.5 and 12.1 - 12.7.
The exam will be designed so that well-prepared students can complete the exam in approximately
an hour plus change. However, the exam time is designated as lasting two hours to eliminate (for
the most part) time pressures.
Please arrive around 5:45 to allow time to get seated, settled, and exams distributed by 6:00.
The room contains almost 60 seats and there are only 24 of you.
So, there is plenty of room to spread out and leave some empty seats between you and the
other test-takers.
Finally, bring writing utensils, but not scratch paper.
The format for the exam will be approximately as follows.
Note that this may change without notice.
- There will be 10 problems on the exam.
- You must write out complete solutions for 8 of the problems.
These free response problems; meaning that you get to show what you can do.
- The other two problems will consist of some combination of true-false questions,
definitions, multiple-choice questions and graphing.
These will be graded on a no partial credit basis.
Consider preparing for the exam in the following ways:
- Review your homework and quizzes.
- Work the practice exam, which you will receive in class on Friday, October 16th.
- Work the practice problems from the book.
When preparing keep in mind that the best way to remember the material is to understand it.
Although it is possible to learn calculus as simply a set of algorithms (i.e., the derivative
of x^2 is 2x), this is far from the ideal and there will be problems on the exam that will be
extremely difficult, if not impossible, if you only acquire such knowledge.
Instead, you should work on understanding why you adopt particular approaches
to solving problems.
This includes being able to work the problems, being able to check your work without consulting
the back of the book, and being able to explain and justify your solution approach.
Finally, in most of the practice problems, you should be able to decide if your answer is reasonable
or not.
Ask yourself questions such as: Should the solution be a scalar or a vector? Does
this normal vector seem to point the right way? Is this point really in the plane?
Chapter 13: Multiple Integrals
- Lecture 11 on 10/19
Section 13.1 : Double Integrals over Rectangles
- There will NOT be a Quiz in honor of your exam on 10/20.
- Homework 11 due 10/23:
click here
- Lecture 12 on 10/21
Section 13.2 : Iterated Integrals
- Lecture 13 on 10/23
Section 13.3 : Double Integrals over General Regions
- Lecture 14 on 10/26
Section 13.7 : Triple Integrals
- Quiz on Lectures 11-13.
- Homework 14 due by 2 PM on 10/30:
click here
- Lecture 15 on 10/28
Sections 13.7 & 13.9 : Triple Integrals & Change of Variables
- Lecture 16 on 10/29
Sections 13.9 : Change of Variables
- Lecture 17 on 11/2
Sections 13.4 : Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates
- Quiz on Lectures 14-16.
- Homework 17 due 11/6:
click here
- Lecture 18 on 11/4
Sections 13.6 : Surface Area
- Lecture 19 on 11/6
Sections 13.8 : Triple Integrals in Cylindrical & Spherical Coordinates
Midterm Exam 2
The first exam is on Tuesday, November 10th from 6:00-8:00 pm in 113 SILSBY.
There are no calculators allowed on the exam, which is worth 125 points and 25% of your final grade.
The exam will cover the material we have discussed since the last exam;
i.e., all of Chapter 13 except section 13.5.
The exam will be designed so that well-prepared students can complete the exam in approximately
an hour plus change. However, the exam time is designated as lasting two hours to eliminate (for
the most part) time pressures.
Please arrive around 5:45 to allow time to get seated, settled, and exams distributed by 6:00.
The room contains almost 60 seats and there are only 24 of you.
So, there is plenty of room to spread out and leave some empty seats between you and the
other test-takers.
Finally, bring writing utensils, but not scratch paper.
The format for the exam will be approximately as follows.
Note that this may change without notice, especially on Monday.
- There will be 10 problems on the exam.
- You must write out complete solutions for 8 of the problems.
These free response problems; meaning that you get to show what you can do.
- The other two problems will consist of some combination of true-false questions,
definitions, multiple-choice questions and graphing.
These will be graded on a no partial credit basis.
Consider preparing for the exam in the following ways:
- Review your homework and quizzes.
- Work the practice exam, which you will receive in class on Friday, November 6th.
- Work the practice problems from the book.
Chapter 14: Vector Calculus
- Lecture 20 on 11/9
Section 14.1 : Vector Fields
- There will NOT be a Quiz in honor of your exam on 11/10.
- Homework 20 due 11/13:
click here
- Lecture 21 on 11/11
Section 9.1 & 14.2 : Parametrization & Line Integrals
- Lecture 22 on 11/13
Section 14.3 : The Fundamental Theorem for Line Integrals
- Lecture 23 on 11/16
Section 14.4 : Green's Theorem
- Quiz on Lectures 20-22.
- Homework 23 due 11/20:
click here
- Lecture 24 on 11/18
Section 14.5 : Curl & Divergence
- Lecture 25 on 11/20
Section 14.6 : Parametric Surfaces and Their Areas
- Lecture 26 on 11/23
Section 14.7 : Surface Integrals
- Quiz on Lectures 23-25; the last one!
- Suggested Homework : click here
- Lecture 27 on 11/30
Section 14.8 : Stokes' Theorem
- Lecture 28 on 12/2
Section 14.9 : The Divergence Theorem
The Final Exam
The final exam is on Saturday, December 5th from 3:00 - 5:00 PM in 102 Bradley.
There are no calculators allowed on the exam, which is worth 150 points and 30% of your final grade.
The exam is comprehensive, covering all of the material we have discussed in the course.
There will be some weighting of problems towards the material from the final third of the course;
i.e., about one quarter of the exam will focus on ideas from Chapters 11 and 12,
about one quarter of the exam will focus on ideas from Chapter 13, and
about one half of the exam will focus on ideas from Chapter 14.
(Note these are only rough approximations which I will have in mind when writing the exam
and I do not consider them absolutely binding with regards to the final content of the exam.)
Consider preparing for the exam in the following ways:
- Review your homework and quizzes.
- Work the practice exam, which you will receive in class on Monday, November 30th.
- Work the practice problems (click here) from the book.
When preparing keep in mind that the best way to remember the material
is to understand it. This includes being able to work the problems, as well as
being able to check your work without consulting the back of the book.
In most of the practice problems, you should be able to decide if your answer is reasonable or not
just from looking at the question and the answer you obtain.
Finally, if you have not done so already, consider creating an outline/summary of the material
we have covered in class. This outline should include key ideas and concepts, important
definitions, theorems, and formulas, and possibly important examples. You should have in mind an
example relevant to each idea and statement you include in your outline.
I am suggesting the outline because of the large amount of material we have studied in the course.
We've had two and half months to work through it all and come to a good understanding.
But to have it all in mind for the exam really requires you to have the global picture in mind
but also to have the details well-organized.