Math 14
Winter 2011
Calculus of vector valued functions
Honors Section
A copy of the Final Math 14 Exam from one of the previous years can be found here. Please note that there is a difference in the material that was covered in our class and in the year for which the exam is posted. Our Final Exam will last three hours rather than two, so it will contain more problems. Also you will have to do all problems rather than 10 out of 11 as it was the case for the year of the posted exam. Thus the posted exam and the actual final exam will be quite different.
A copy of the second Math 14 Midterm from one of the previous years can be found here. Please note that there is a difference in the material that was covered in our class and in the year for which the exam is posted. In particular you will have to do all problems to get the perfect score, rather than 10 out of 11 as it was in the posted exam. Thus the posted Midterm and the one we shall have are quite different.
A copy of the first Math 14 Midterm from one of the previous years can be found here. Please note that there is a difference in the material that was covered in our class and in the year for which the exam is posted. In particular you will have to do all problems to get the perfect score, rather than 10 out of 11 as it was in the posted exam. Thus the posted Midterm and the one we shall have are quite different.
The first day of classes is Wednesday January 5. Welcome back to Dartmouth!