Making the transition from high school to college
mathematics courses
- You are in College Now
If this is your first math class in college, you must remember: You are no
longer in high school. The great majority of you, not having done so
already, will have to discard high school notions of teaching and learning
mathematics, and replace them with by college level notions. This may be
difficult, but it must happen sooner or later, and sooner is better. The
goal in college is for more than just getting you to reproduce what was
told to you in the classroom. You must aim for mastery of the
- The Speed of the Class
Expect to have material covered at two to three times the pace of high
school. Above that, we aim for greater command of the material,
especially the
ability to apply what you have learned to new situations. Remember that
most freshmen here were in the
top quarter of their high school class. A high school teacher attempts to
teach to the average students. At college the average is much higher, and
consequently there is a higher standard in these courses.
- Learning Outside of Class
Lecture time is at a premium so it must be used efficiently. You cannot
be "taught" everything in the classroom. It is your responsibility to
learn the material. Most of this learning will take place outside the
classroom. You should consistently put in at least two hours outside
the classroom for each hour of class.
- The Instructor's Job
The instructors job is primarily to provide a framework to guide you in
doing your learning of the concepts and methods that comprise the material
of the course. It is not to "program" you with isolated facts and problem
types, nor to monitor your progress.
- Reading the Textbook
You are expected to read the textbook for comprehension. It gives the
detailed account of the material of the course. It also contains many
examples of problems worked out, and these should be used to supplement
those you see in the lecture. The textbook is not a novel, so the reading
must often be slow going and careful. However, there is the clear
advantage that you can read it at your own pace. Use pencil and paper to
work through the material, and to fill in omitted steps. As for when you
engage the textbook:
- Read, for the first time, the appropriate sections of the book before
the material is presented in lecture. That is, come prepared for
class. The lecture will then make more sense.
- In lecture try to absorb the general ideas and/or take notes. Later
try to sort out any questions you have while referring to the appropriate
parts of the book and your notes.
- Talking with the Instructor
If you are having problems in class or do not understand the material, do
not hesitate to talk with the instructor. Do not fall
behind. Particularly in mathematics,
where new material often builds on previous material, getting behind can
be devastating. Take advantage of the instructor's office hours. When
you are confused talk to him/her right away. If you wait too long, your
difficulties may compound to the point where you will be hopelessly
lost. Talk to your instructor early and often to clear up
misunderstandings and confusion.
- Writing Up Solutions
It is the student's responsibility to communicate clearly in writing up
solutions of the questions and problems in homework and exams. The rules
of language still apply in mathematics, even when symbols are
used in formulas, equations, etc.
- Conceptual Understanding
Finally, and most importantly, you must realize the importance of theory
in mathematics. It is not enough to be able to do the problems that are
assigned. You must understand the mathematics used to solve these
problems. The goal of this class is to make you able to do all problems
-not just particular kinds of problems- to which the methods of the course
apply. As such, exams will consist largely of fresh problems that fall
within the material that is being tested. For that level of command, the
student must attain some conceptual understanding and develop
judgment. Thus a certain amount of theory is very relevant, indeed
essential. A student who has been trained to do only certain kinds of
problems has acquired very limited expertise.