

Quizzes and Exams

Math 1

Calculus with Applications

General Information


Section 1: Lisa Orloff Clark
Office: 1P Bradley Hall
Office Hours: Monday and Thursday 11-12, and by appointment.

Section 2: Emily Proctor
Office: 1R Bradley Hall
Office Hours: Tuesday 2-3, Wednesday 5-6, and by appointment.


Section 1: Bradley 105
Section 2: Bradley 102


Section 1: MWF 10-10:50, Th 12-12:50
Section 2: MWF 11:15-12:05, Tu 12:00-12:50


Calculus with Applications, by Varberg and Fleming
The text is available at the Dartmouth Bookstore.


Homework will be assigned every class period, unless there is a quiz, and will be due at the beginning of the following class period. Each assignment will receive a grade of 0, 1, or 2 as follows:

0 for little or no correct work,
1 for significant errors or omissions,
2 for substantially correct and complete work.

No late homework will be accepted, however, your three lowest homework scores will be dropped when your final grade is calculated.


There will be a short quiz at the end of the last class of the week (usually Friday). The quiz will cover the material from that week and will contain problems similar to those on the homework. Each quiz is worth 10 points. You are expected to be in class to take the quizzes. Missing class on the day of a quiz will result in a score of zero. Your lowest quiz score will be dropped when calculating the final grade.


There will be two hour-long exams and a two-hour final exam.

First hour exam: Monday, October 14, 7-8pm in Bradley 101
Second hour exam: Monday, November 4, 7-8pm in Bradley 101
Final exam: Sunday, December 8, 10:30-12:30am in Silsby 28

The final exam is scheduled by the registrar and cannot be changed. Under no circumstances can you take the final at an earlier time than scheduled.

Final Grades:

Your final letter grade for Math 1 will be determined by the fraction of 476 possible points you earn. The components of the total score are:

Homework: 46 (2 points each)
Quizzes: 80 (10 points each)
Exam 1: 100
Exam 2: 100
Final: 150

Total: 476
While class participation is not a formal part of the grade, it can make a difference in borderline cases.


Tutorials are scheduled Monday through Thursday nights from 7-9 pm in Gerry 103. Tutorials are optional, but you are encouraged to use them to work on the homework or for help with the course material. The tutors for this course are:

Sihan Shu
George Chen
Daniel Preysman

Honor Principle: The Honor Principle applies to this class in the following way: You are encouraged to work together on homework, but the final written copy you turn in must be your own understanding of the material. Copying someone else's work is not permitted. All quizzes and the final must be completely your own work, with no help from other students, textbooks, or notes. Calculators are not allowed on quizzes or exams. If you aren't sure if something is a violation of the Honor Principle, ask before doing it.

Special Needs: If you are a student with a disability, including an "invisible" disability such as a chronic disease or a learning disability, we encourage you to discuss with us any appropriate accomodations that we can make on your behalf. Also, stop by the Academic Skills Center to register for support services.