Linear Algebra with Applications
Fall 2013
General Info | Day-to-day
Linear Algebra and its applications, Fourth edition, by David C. Lay
Erik van Erp -
Office hours: Monday 3:15-5pm, Tuesday 1-3pm, 308 Kemeny Hall
Period 2, MWF 1:45-2:50, Kemeny Hall, room 008
x-hour: Thursday 1:00-1:50, room TBA
TA meetings
Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday from 7-9pm, in Kemeny 105.
The TA for math 22 this Fall is Scott Smedinghoff, who is a graduate student in the department of mathematics at Dartmouth. During TA meetings you can ask questions about the course material and get help with the homework. You can walk in without an appointment.
Every day, after lecture, I assign a number of practice problems from the text book.
Working on these daily homework problems is essential to mastering the material,
and this selection of problems reflects more clearly than the lectures or the book which skills and knowledge you will be tested on on exams.
If you can do all of these problems, you can feel confident that you have learned what is essential. If you have difficulties with any one of them, make use of the tutorials and office hours to get clarification.
In addition, there is a brief weekly assignment, posted on Friday, consisting of two or three exam style questions. The ideal study method is to work your way through the daily problems first, and when you are done try the weekly assignment as a kind of mini exam, and test yourself to see if you can complete it without looking at your notes.
Only the weekly assignment needs to be handed in. It is due on Wednesdays in lecture. See the day-to-day tab for the daily homework and the weekly assignments.
Midterm exam I: Tue Oct 8, 4:00-6:00, Silsby Room 028.
Midterm exam II: Tue Oct 29, 4:00-6:00, Silsby Room 028.
Final exam: Fri Nov 22, 3:00-6:00, Silsby 028.
Homework: 15%; Midterm I: 25%; Midterm II: 25%; Final: 35%
Honor principle
Collaboration on the daily homework assignments from the text book is permitted and encouraged.
The same is true for the weekly written assignments, except in that case you must write up the answers yourself. If you are part of a group of students that produces an answer to a problem, you cannot then copy that group answer. You must write up the answer individually, in your own words.
Special considerations
If you have a disability of any sort and may need need disability-related classroom or exam accommodations, please make an appointment to see your instructor as soon as possible. All conversations will remain confidential, although we may consult the Student Accessibility Services Office. You can stop by the Accessibility Services Office in Collis Center to register for support services.