Math 22: Linear Algebra

This webpage will be your source for homework assignments, handouts, and announcements. Bookmark it so you can refer to it even if you lose your paper syllabus.

The final exam is Friday, June 1, 8:00-11:00 AM in our classroom, Kemeny 007. It is cumulative, though I may explicitly take some topics off the exam. I have a review sheet for you.

We will review in class Wednesday the 30th and during the usual X-hour time Thursday the 31st. However, our classroom is unavailable for X-hour this week so we will be in Carson L01 from 12-12:50 Thursday.

Homework Assignments (now final, with suggested problems for the last four sections and answers to the even-numbered problems of that set)

Daily Schedule (subject to change)

Links and Handouts:

The promised cover sheet for the last proof.
A topical review for the final exam.
The least squares graph for lecture May 25.
A topical review for exam II.
The slides for section 4.9.
The coordinate axes handout from April 30.
A topical review for exam I.
The slides for section 2.7, April 16
An annotated version of the Invertible Matrix Theorem, Theorem 8 in section 2.3 of your book.
The proof workshop handout, March 29.

General Information:

Instructor: Rebecca Weber
Office: 317 Kemeny Hall, phone 646-1720 (but email is better)
Office hours: 9:00-9:50 AM Mondays and Wednesdays, 2:00-3:30 PM Thursdays, and by appointment. I am also available for 15-20 minutes after class every day.
Course Meets: 10-11:05 MWF and 12-12:50 Th, Kemeny 007
Textbook: Linear Algebra and Its Applications, third edition, David C. Lay

Full Syllabus

Last modified May 28, 2007