Graph Theory Syllabus

Professor Course Content Textbook
Scheduled Lectures Homework Policy Project
Grades Honor Principle Disabilities
Office Hours Exams Class participation


Professor Rosa Orellana
Office: 305 Bradley Hall
Office Hours
MWF 11:00-12:00
Thurs. 10-12
By Appointment
Phone: 646 - 2430
or BlitzMail:Rosa.C.Orellana@Dartmouth.EDU (preferred)
I encourage you to come to my office to discuss homework problems (yes, you can come before the homework is due), things that you don't understand in the course, opportunities for an REU (Research Experience for undergraduates) or if you are wondering what course to take next and need a little guidance.

Course Content

This course will focus on Chapters 1-7 as well as additional topics pertaining to class. Fundamental concepts of graphs and digraphs, trees, matchings, factorizations, connectivity, networks, graph colorings, planar graphs, and eulerian and hamiltonian graphs will be studied. Famous problems in Graph Theory include: Minimum Connector Problem (building roads at minimum cost), the Marriage Problem (matching men and women into compatible pairs), the Assignment Problem (filling n jobs in the best way), the Network Flow Problem (maximizing flow in a network), the Committee Scheduling Problem (using the fewest time slots), the Four Color Problem (coloring maps with four colors so that adjacent regions have different colors), and the Traveling Salesman Problem (visiting n cities with minimum cost).



Scheduled Lectures
MWF 10:00-11:05
X-hour Thursday: 12:00-12:50
In Bradley 104

Homework Policy

If you do not follow these guidelines, your homework will be returned to you ungraded.


There is a project for this class. Click here to find out more about it.


There will be two in-class exams and a final examination. They will probably be held at the begining of the fourth and at the begining of the eighth week. The exact dates will be announced during class at least one week before the exam.

The Registrar's Office schedules the final exam, which will occur during the period June 1 through June 5. If you must make travel plans before the schedule for final exams appears, do not make plans to leave Hanover before June 5th. Exams will not be given early to accommodate travel plans under any circumstances.

Class Participation

Class participation will count 5% towards your grade. This means attending class and office hours as well as asking and responding to questions

"Mathematics is not for spectators; in order to gain in understanding, confidence, and enthusiasm one has to participate." M.A. Armstrong

Midterms 15% (each)
Daily Homework 10%
Weekly Homework 15%
Final Exam 25%
Class Participation 5%
Project 15%

Honor Principle

On Exams: No help given or received from anyone. You may not use books or notes during in-class exams.

On Homework: Collaboration is permitted and encouraged, but NO COPYING . In other words, you should feel free to talk to other students while you are in the process of thinking about a problem. However, when it comes time to write up your solutions, you should do this by yourself without outside assistance.


Students with disabilities who will be taking this course and may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an appointment to see their instructor as soon as possible, certainly within the first two weeks of the course. Also, they should stop by the Academic Skills Center in Collis Center to register for support services.