Final Exam 8-11 AM, Saturday June 4, in Haldeman 28 (down the hall from our classroom)

   Math 38: Graph Theory

Dates and Topics (to be augmented as we go along)


Grading: Homework will be assigned but uncollected. It is only for preparation for quizzes and exams. There will be a quiz each Friday which will cumulatively count for 100 points (though they will likely not add up to 100; they will be scaled). The midterm will be 100 points and the final exam will be 150 points.

Honor Principle: On quizzes and exams, no help is to be given or received. Please feel free to consult each other and printed or online sources for help with the homework, in addition to the instructors.

Students with disabilities: I encourage students with disabilities, including "invisible" disabilities like chronic diseases and learning disabilities, to discuss with me any appropriate accommodations that might be helpful.

Last modified June 1, 2011