The most important thing to know how to use is WebStat. How to use it explained very nicely at the site. To get startered you should click on the ``click here" thing at the top of the page. To eneter data, like this, copy your data then go to the data menu and hit ``paste data". A window will appear. Paste the data into the window and hit okay, and you're ready to go!!! Here is the olympic medal share data. For example with this olympic data you may plot the various scatter plots. To do this, go to the graphics menu and choose scatterplot. Choose the variables that you will ploting against eachother, for example Actual96 and Pop. Then hit create graph. Its that easy!!
MAPLE Here is some maple code to simulatate your favorite model, simulate. To use it first open maple. You must first copy thestuff between the first two dark arrow into maple, and hit return. This will load the simulate program. Next change data1 into your data, in particulkar your data for a model. It will be in the form [[v1,w1],...[vn,wn]. The best way to eneter this data to to think of of vi as the ith possible value and wi as the weight this value receives. The programs work best if each wi is given a positve interger weight. I suggest looking at the example to understand this. After putting your data hit return. The next line shows you howto look at the distribultion of this data. The next line shows you how to perfom 10 simulations of your model and see the result of this simulation and a histogram of your data. This 10 can be changed to any positve integer. The next line show how to run the simulation without viewing the data, only the histogram. <\P>
Here is the code to see the binomial distribution of n "heads" with 100p percent chance of a head. Once again enter all the code between the first and second arrows. Then to run type in BinomialPlot(n,p) and hit return (e.g. BinomialPlot(100,1/3)). (This code was lifted form the chance web page.)
Here is the code to simulate a streak. Once again enter all the code between the first and second arrows. Then to simulate the longest streak of "heads" in n tosses of a "coin" where a head occurs with a p percent chance type in Streak(n,p,true) and hit return. (e.g. Streak(1000,50,true))