Week 6

Assigned: Mon. 10/23

Journal #12: Present your example of a situation where one candidate could be elected president even if he doesn't win a majority of the popular vote. Articulate the issue in light of the discussion of Simpson's Paradox discussed on p. 17-20 of the book. For a very good journal, find out if an American president has ever been elected without a majority of the popular vote.

Read: Chapter 20.

Problems: 1-3 p.361 (set A).

Quiz Wednesday on the material from last week.

Assigned: Wed. 10/25

Journal #13: With respect to elections, Gallup reports the popularity percentages as being within +\- 3 percent of its reported value with 95 percent confidence. Discuss whether this claim is likely using the actual results found on the worksheet handed out in class. (A good journal will involve some computations to support your claims.) Due to Homecoming, this journal is due on Monday, October 30.

Problems: 1, 2, 5, 7 p.372 (review exercises)

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