Math 63
Real Analysis (honors)
Winter 2015

General Info | Day-to-day


General course information

Erik van Erp - Office hours: Mon 5-6, Tue 3:30-6:00, Kemeny 308

Period 11, MWF 11:15-12:20, Kemeny 108
x-hour: Tuesday 12:00-12:50

Introduction to Analysis, by Maxwell Rosenlicht

Homework is assigned daily and collected weekly. Assignments are posted under the day-to-day tab. Completed homework must be submitted on Wednesdays at the end of class.

Midterm in-class exam: Tuesday Feb 3 x-hour, 12:00-12:50, Kemeny 108
Midterm take-home exam: due Thursday Feb 5, 5pm
Final take-home exam: due Sunday March 15, 5pm

Homework: 1/3, Midterm 1/3, Final 1/3

Honor principle
Most exams in math 63 are take-home exams. No collaboration is permitted on these exams. You may consult the text book by Rosenlicht, and you may refer to your class notes and graded homework, but no other sources (books or internet) are allowed.
Discussion of weekly homework problems with other students is allowed and even encouraged. However you should write down a final solution in your own words (no copying).

Students with disabilities
If you have a disability of any sort and may need need disability-related classroom or exam accommodations, please make an appointment to see your instructor as soon as possible. All conversations will remain confidential, although we may consult the Student Accessibility Services Office. You can stop by the Accessibility Services Office in Collis Center to register for support services.