Mathematics 6: Introduction to Finite Mathematics

Summer Term, 2000

Instructor: Thomas F. Bickel

Class hours: MWF 8:45 to 9:50; x-period Thursday 9 to 9:50. You are required to keep the x-period free; it may be used on occasion. I will try to give notice a few days in advance.

Office(s): 401 Bradley (Mathematics); occasionally 4 McNutt (Registrar): office hours Tuesday and Thursday, 11:30-12:30 in 401 Bradley; other times by arrangement. I also take questions by BlitzMail; I read it regularly during week days from 8 am to 5 pm, rarely evenings, usually once or twice each weekend. It will help me if you include the phrase Math 6 in the subject line (i.e. Math 6 question).

Textbook: Finite Mathematics by Daniel P. Maki and Maynard Thompson (Fourth Edition, 1996, McGraw-Hill); available at the bookstores.

Topics Covered: We will cover essentially all of Section 1 (Probability Models) and 2 (Linear Models), and one or two applications from Part 3 as time permits.

Exams: Two hour exams, Wednesday, July 19 and Wednesday, August 9, in class. A final exam covering all material of the course will be scheduled later.

Class Web page: At the URL of <> is a Web page for this class. Homework assignments will be listed there shortly after each class period, plus additional key information such as sections to be covered on the hour exams shortly before each exam. You can also use this page to access Chance project home page. From there you can access the on-line version of the Kemeny-Snell-Thompson textbook, as well as the Kemeny lectures on finite mathematics.

Homework: Assigned daily, due at the beginning of the next class period in the homework box outside 104 Bradley marked Math 6 In; graded papers will be returned before the next class in the section marked Math 6 Return. Each assignment will be graded on a basis of 3 points for essentially all correct work, 2 points for work that is mostly complete but may have some errors, 1 point for work that is turned in but not very good. No work will be graded that is more than one class period late, and only three late papers per student will be accepted for any reason.

Course grade: Will be based on the hour exams (25% each), homework (15%) and the final exam (35%).

Honor principle: You may discuss the homework with one another. However, in each assignment turned in you must have done the majority of the actual mathematical work, and all of the write-up, independently. The same principle applies to the use of the solutions in the textbook for odd-numbered problems. Obviously no collaboration is allowed on the exams.

Special needs: I encourage students with disabilities, including "invisible" disabilities like chronic diseases, learning disabilities, and psychiatric disabilities to discuss with me after class or during office hours appropriate accommodations that might be helpful. Please do this at the beginning of the term, at least by July 5. All discussions will be confidential.

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