Math 73





Sections in Text

Brief Description

Day 1:  1/6

Section 1.3

Metric spaces, subspaces, examples. Comparison of sup and norm topology on R^n.

Open and closed sets. Continuous mappings.

Day 2:  1/8

Finish Section 1.3 start Section 1.4

Compositions and restrictions of continuous mappings. Limits. Compact sets in R^n

Day 3:  1/10

Section 1.4

Compact sets, product of compact sets, continuous images of compact sets.

Uniform continuity. Epsilon-neighborhood of a compact set. Connected sets.



No class on 1/11 instead we have an x-hour on 1/14

Day 4:  1/13

Section 2.5

Derivatives and directional derivatives, examples of non-differentiable functions with all the directional derivatives being well-defined.

Day 5:  1/14 x-hour instead of the special class on 1/11

Sections 2.5 and 2.6

Differentiability of functions with continuous partial derivatives D_i F.

Day 6:  1/15

Sections 2.6 and 2.7

Iterated partial derivatives. D_i D_j F=D_j D_i F provided that they are continuous.

Day 7:  1/17

Section 2.7

Chain rule. Derivative of the inverse function.



Martin Luther King Jr. Day. No class. The class is shifted to the x-hour on 1/21

Day 8: 1/21 x-hour instead of the class on 1/20

Section 2.8

Mean value theorem for multivariable functions.

Inverse function theorem.

Day 9:  1/22

Section 2.8

Inverse function theorem.

Day 10:  1/24

Section 2.9

Implicit function theorem.

Day 11:  1/27

Section 3.10, 3.11

Riemannian integral over a rectangle, measure zero sets.

Day 12:  1/29

Section 3.11

A bounded function on a rectangle is integrable if and only if the set where it is discontinuous has measure zero. An integral of a nonnegative function is zero if and only if it is zero almost everywhere.

Day 13:  1/31

Section 3.12

Fubini’s Theorem

Day 14:  2/3

Section 3.13,

Integral over a bounded set. Basic properties of integrals. Integral over a set and over its interior.

Day 15:  2/5

Section 3.14

Rectifiable sets. Volume of a rectifiable set. Fubini’s Theorem for simple regions.



Carnival Holiday. No class. The class is shifted to the x-hour on 2/11

Day 16:  2/10

Sections  3.15,

 Extended and improper integrals.

Day 17:  2/11 x-hour instead of the class on 2/7

Section 4.16

Partitions of Unity.

Day 18:  2/12

 No class


Day 19:  2/14

Sections 4.16 and 4.18

Integration and partition of unity. Images of the measure zero sets under smooth mappings. Decomposition of a diffeomorphism into a composition of primitive diffeomorphisms.

Day 20:  2/17

Sections 4.17,  4.19

Change of Variables Theorem in Integration


Homework problems.


Day 21:  2/19

Section 4.20, 5.21, 5.22

Applications of the change of variable. Volume of the parallelepiped. Parametrized manifolds. Integral over a parametrized manifold.

Day 22:  2/21

Sections 5.23, 5.24, 5.25

Manifolds in R^n, examples, boundary of a manifold, transition functions.

Integral of a function over a manifold.

Day 23:  2/24

Finish section 5.23,  Sections 6.26, 6.27

A ball as a manifold with boundary. Tensors and Alternating tensors.

Start wedge product if we have time.

2/25 x-hour x-hour instead of the class on 2/12

Finish section 6.27 and cover section 6.28

Wedge product and its properties.

Day 24:  2/26

Sections 6.29 and 6.30

Tangent vectors and tangent spaces of manifolds. Differential operator on the space of forms on a manifold. Definition of cohomology groups.

Day 25:  2/28

Sections 6.32, 7.33

Pull-back of forms. Commutation between pull back and differential. Integrating forms over parametrized manifolds.

Day 26:  3/3

Sections 7.34, 7.35

Orientable manifolds. Orientation of a manifold. Integrals of forms over oriented manifolds.

Day 27:  3/5

Sections 7.37

Stokes Theorem.

Day 28:  3/7


 Final day of classes