Case Studies in Calculus |
Case Studies in Calculus,
a collection of worksheets promoting in depth exploration of selected
applications of calculus, including "Torricelli's Law" and "Sleuthing Galileo"
by Don Kreider and Dwight Lahr |
A Primer in Quantum Mechanics and Chemical Bonding,
by Dorothy Wallace & Joseph J BelBruno
Makin' Waves |
Makin' Waves,
an introduction to Fourier series and the wave equation,
by Dorothy Wallace
Integrated Math and Physical Science Text
Integrated Math and Physical Science Text,
containing a year of introductory physic and a year of calculus for students
with advanced placement standing,
by Marcia Groszek and Delo Mook
That's Calculus
That's Calculus,
a video review of basic calculus concepts, including chemistry applications
such as reaction times and radioactive decay,
by Edwin Gailits, Marcia Groszek and Dorothy Wallace
From Unwanted By-Product to Essential Fuel for the Twentieth Century
By John Nicholas Burnett
Forces and Forms in large Structures
Forces and Forms in large Structures,
by By Alfonso M. Albano, William Case, Newton H. Copp
The Electrification of Los Angles
The Electrification of
Los Angeles:
Engineering, Science, and History
By Newton H. Copp, Andrew W. Zanella
Computer Music
Computer Music,
Science and Technology of a New Art
By Victor A. Staniosis and Hugh Berberich
Pacing The Heart |
Pacing The Heart,
By Kirk Jeffrey
An Introduction to Dynamical Systems And Mathematical Modelling
An Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Mathematical Modelling,
By Donal O'Shea
Ordinary Differential Equation Machine |
a Java applet that integrates systems of ordinary differential equations,
By B P Reid