  Calculus &
Differential Equations
Eyes on the Earth


Three videos exploring satellite imaging techniques from the point of view of an artist, a geologist, and a mathematician,
by Dick Birnie, Edwin Gailits, and Dorothy Wallace

Eyes on the Earth I :
Digital Filters (TRT 31 min.) is one of the first programs we made, and it grew directly from the principle aim of the MATC project. Seeking to introduce students to the relationship between mathematics and other disciplines, this program begins by looking at the computer enhancement of satellite data. After examining the integral calculus behind interpreting geologic information through computer enhanced images, we also look at the image making process itself through the eyes of a textile artist. The program is intended for both geology and calculus students to provide more scope to the calculus through exposure to applications. It is not intended specifically to fit into an introductory calculus curriculum. This video features mathematician Elinor Velasquez, geologist Dick Birnie, and Shibori artist Joan Morris.

Eyes On The Earth II :
Variance & Covariance (TRT 27:00): An analysis of the colors in a satellite photo leads to a search for redundant information. The geologist's software can display scatterplots that show the correlation between different parts of the visible and invisible light spectrum. As in Eyes on the Earth I, the material is presented as a conversation among a mathematician, geologist and artist. This video features mathematician Elinor Velasquez, geologist Dick Birnie, and watercolor artist Clifford West.

Eyes On The Earth III:
Eigenvector Analysis (33:45): The special mathematical technique of principle component analysis allows the geologist to extract layers of uncorrelated information from a complex image. This method allows the geologist to pick out landscape features not immediately apparent from a true color image. The technique can be used on any image, and this episode offers a unique opportunity to see it applied to a watercolor painting and to watch the artist's reaction. This video features mathematician Elinor Velasquez, geologist Dick Birnie, and watercolor artist Clifford West.

Eyes on the Earth II and III would fit well in an advanced statistics course or an applied linear algebra course. All three videos would be suitable for a signal processing course, a remote sensing course, or a satellite imaging course.

These films may be obtained by contacting Edwin Gailits at gailits@sympatico.ca.