2004 Reese Prosser LectureArtful Mathematics -
Thanks to various processes of digitization, it is now possible to bring computational analysis to bear on works of art, be they literature, visual arts, or even dance. In this talk, we'll explore some of these analytic techniques and show how mathematicians and computer scientists have been able to use mathematical tools to quantify artistic style.
Dan Rockmore is Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Dartmouth College, where he has been on the faculty since 1991. He is a nationally recognized expositor of mathematics; his essays have appeared in the , New York Times, Boston Globe, and Chronicle of Higher Education. He is the co-producer of The Math Life, a documentary film on the people, process, and problems of mathematics, and has two new films currently in production. His book "Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis" (Vintage Press/Random House) will appear in March 2005.