Description of course: This course is about the foundations of calculus, which is essentially the study of functions and their rates of change. We want you to learn how to model situations in order to solve problems. If you have already taken calculus before, we want you to gain an even deeper understanding of the subject. The derivative measures the instantaneous rate of change of a function. The definite integral measures the total accumulation of a function over an interval. These two objects form the basis for nearly all mathematical formulas in science. The rules by which we can compute derivatives and integrals of any function are called a calculus. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus links the two processes of differentiation and integration in a beautiful way.
Grades: Your final grades will be based
on several components: homework (once/week), WebAssign (twice/week),
quizes (four/semester), midterms (twice/semester), and a final exam.
The grade breakdown can be found on the Math 121 website.
Notice that more emphasis is placed on exams than on weekly
homework assignments in computing your final grade. On the other
hand, completing your homework on a weekly basis is the most sure way
to success on the exams.
Group work, honestly: Working with other people on mathematics
is highly encouraged and fun. You may work with anyone (e.g. other
students in your section, in the course, not in the course, bums on
the street, ...) on your homework problems. If done right, you'll
learn the material better and more efficiently working in groups. The
golden rule is:
Work with anyone on solving your homework problems,Writing up the final draft is as important a process as figuring out the problems on scratch paper with your friends, see the guidelines below. Mathematical writing is very idiosyncratic - we will be able to tell if papers have been copied - just don't do it! You will not learn by copying solutions from others! Also, if you work with people on a particular assignment, you must list your collaborators on the top of the first page. This makes the process fun, transparent, and honest. Policies(or otherwise the small print)Homework: You will have a weekly written assignment, which will be due in recitation. The assignment will be posted on Blackboard the week before it's due. {Late or improperly submitted homework will not be accepted.} Period. If you know in advance that you will be unable to submit your homework at the correct time and place, you must make special arrangements ahead of time (e.g.\ religious holidays or trapped on a desert island). Read more guidelines. Your homework must be stapled, with your name clearly written on the top. Consider the pieces of paper you turn in as a final copy: written neatly and straight across the page, on clean paper, with nice margins and lots of space, and well organized. If it's not readable, it won't be graded. Your lowest homework score from the semester will be dropped. Exams/quizzes: See the official policies on exams. Homework guidelines: Generally, a homework problem in any math course will consist of two parts: the creative part and the write-up.
Please note that a fully correct solution requires both parts: having "figured out" the problem, but not having written it up (or having written up something incoherent that does not express what you know) or conversely, having written up many pages of beautiful prose that still fail to solve the problem, don't count for very much. You will be graded accordingly. |
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