Seminar: Yale Algebraic and Tropical Geometry

Fall 2017

The Yale Algebraic and Tropical Geometry seminar meets biweekly on Thursdays for two talks from 3:00 - 4:00 pm and then again from 4:30 - 5:30 in DL 431. Afterward, we usually go to dinner with the speaker at a local restaurant.

Organizers: Asher Auel, Max Kutler, Yuchen Liu, Kalina Mincheva, and Sam Payne.

Attend AGNES at Northeastern on the weekend of October 13 - 15, 2017.

Sep 07 Max Kutler Faithful tropicalization of hypertoric varieties
3:00-4:00 pm 431 DL
Sep 08 Yuchen Liu K-stability of cubic threefolds
3:00-4:00 pm 431 DL
Sep 13 Matt Baker Hahn Lecture I/III: Tropical linear series and applications to number theory and algebraic geometry
Sep 14 Matt Baker Hahn Lecture II/III: Tropical Jacobians, break divisors, and geometric bijections
Sep 15 Matt Baker Hahn Lecture III/III: Applications of break divisors to algebraic geometry
Sep 28 Sid Mathur
Mattias Jonsson
Azumaya algebras and the resolution property
Thresholds, valuations, and K-stability
Oct 12 Noah Giansiracusa
Looking for the Grassmannian in tropical geometry
Oct 13-15 AGNES at Northeastern
Oct 19 No seminar: Fall Break
Oct 25 Melanie Wood
Random groups from generators and relations
Oct 26 Melanie Wood
Felipe Rincón
Limits of moduli spaces in the Grothendieck ring
CSM cycles of matroids
Nov 9 Giovanni Inchiostro

Samuel Grushevsky

The Picard group of the moduli of smooth complete intersections of two quadrics
Degenerations of Riemann surfaces together with a meromorphic differential
Nov 23 No seminar: Thanksgiving Break
Nov 30 What is BATMOBYLE?

This seminar has previously run in Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014, Spring 2015, Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2016, and Spring 2017.