Thursday Sept. 25 |
Stefan Felsner, Technische Universitaet Berlin (Germany)
Orientations of Planar Graphs |
Thursday Oct. 02 |
Vincent Vatter, Dartmouth
Growth rates of permutation classes |
Thursday Oct. 9 |
Dae-Woong Lee, Chonbuk National University, Korea and Dartmouth
On strong homology, phantom maps, and the same n-type problems |
Thursday Oct. 16 |
Jeff Hirst, Appalachian State University
Coloring problems and reverse mathematics |
Thursday Oct. 23 |
Peter Woit, Columbia University
BRST and Dirac Cohomology |
Thursday Oct. 30 |
Sam Hsiao, Bard College
Quasisymmetric functions and random walks on permutations |
Thursday Nov. 6 |
Igor Wigman, CRM, University of Montreal
Nodal lines of random eigenfunctions of the Laplacian |
Thursday Nov. 13 |
Lizhen Ji, University of Michigan
Mostow strong rigidity and stable Borel conjecture |
Wed. Nov. 19 |
Ken Ono, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Freeman Dyson's Challenge For The Future: The Mock Theta Functions |
Thursday Dec. 4 |
Van Savage, Harvard Medical School
Allometric Scaling and Physiological Networks |