Getting To Know You Week, Part 1

This week will feature 1/2-hour talks by some of our postdoctoral fellows and visitors, introducing everyone to their research interests. The talks are intended to be for a general math audience.

They will take place on Tuesday, October 22 and Thursday, October 24. There will be another such set of talks in the winter as well.

** Tuesday, October 22:

Tea: 3:30 - 4:00 pm

1.) 4:00-4:30JOHN MACKEYTo walk a mile in their shoes...
2.) 4:35-5:05PETER KOSTELECElastic Image Registration: Stretching with Kramer.

Refreshments at Emmy's apres Talk 2.

** Thursday, October 24:


Tea: 3:30 - 3:45 pm

1.) 3:45-4:15JORG BRENDLETranscendence principles over the constructible universe.
2.)4:20-4:50MARK TAYLORAn overview of some numerical methods for PDE's in spherical geometry.
3.) 4:55-5:20 MEGAN KERRHomogeneous "constant curvature" metrics on symmetric spaces.

Following the last talk, there will be refreshments at Emmy's, followed by pizza and drinks in the Math Dept. lounge in Bradley Hall at 6:00 PM.