They will take place on Tuesday, October 22 and Thursday, October 24.
There will be another such set of talks in the winter as well.
Tea: 3:30 - 4:00 pm
1.) 4:00-4:30 | JOHN MACKEY | To walk a mile in their shoes... |
2.) 4:35-5:05 | PETER KOSTELEC | Elastic Image Registration: Stretching with Kramer. |
Tea: 3:30 - 3:45 pm
1.) 3:45-4:15 | JORG BRENDLE | Transcendence principles over the constructible universe. |
2.)4:20-4:50 | MARK TAYLOR | An overview of some numerical methods for PDE's in spherical geometry. |
3.) 4:55-5:20 | MEGAN KERR | Homogeneous "constant curvature" metrics on symmetric spaces. |