Mathematics Colloquium
Thursday, October 10, 1996, 4:00pm
102 Bradley Hall
Professor Peter Petersen
University of California at Los Angeles
speaks on
What is Curvature?
Abstract.I will explain how various curvatures are defined and come up
naturally in many different contexts: Angle excess in triangles, The
Bochner technique, Conjugate points, holonomy and more. In each case I'll
attempt to explain how various curvature hypotheses lead to metric or
topological constraints. Corresponding to the above topics we have: The
Gauss-Bonnet theorem, bounds for Betti numbers, Myer's diameter bound,
and the classification of manifolds with non-negative curvature operator.
Tea. High tea will be served at 3:30pm in the Lounge.
Emmy's. Certain refreshments will be available at Emmy's after the talk.
Host. Shunhui Zhu is the host. Anybody who is interested in having dinner
with the speaker should contact Shunhui at 646-3678.