Thursday Sept 23 |
Thursday Sept 30 |
Rosa Orellana, UCSD and Dartmouth College The Hecke algebra of type B and the BMW algebra of type B are centralizer algebras |
Thursday October 7 |
Ken Brown, Cornell University The coset poset and probabilistic zeta function of a finite group |
Thursday October 14 |
Larry Gerstein, UC Santa Barbara Quadratic Forms over my Favorite Rings |
Thursday October 21 |
Peter Doyle, Dartmouth College The UCSD code for trees, OR How to cheat at clock solitaire |
Thursday October 28 |
Stefan E. Schmidt, MIT New Trends in Coding Theory |
Thursday November 4 |
Chuck McGibbon,
Wayne State University Phantom maps |
Thursday November 11 |
Jason Cantarella,
University of Massachusetts The Ropelength of Knots and Links |
Thursday November 18 |
David Handron,
Carnegie Mellon University Counting Billiard Paths using Morse Theory |
Thursday November 25 |
Thursday December 2 |
Speaker Name, Institution |