Mathematics Colloquium
Thursday, May 2, 1996, 4:00pm
102 Bradley Hall
Professor Katherine Stevenson
University of Maryland
speaks on
Analytic Geometry in Characteristic p
Abstract. Many concepts from real and complex geometry carry over to geometry
over fields of characteristic $p>0$. The field $K = {\bf Z}/p((x))$,
like R or C, is metrically complete, and this allows us to do analytic
geometry over K. While analysis over $K$ is in many ways similar to
real and complex analysis, there are also many differences, and some
concepts which are easy in one setting are harder in the other. For
example, a series in $K$ converges if and only if the terms go to
zero. On the other hand, analytic continuation does not carry over
easily to $K$ because the topology is totally disconnected. In this
talk, after surveying $K$-analytic spaces, we will consider the
problem of finding the fundamental group of compact ``Riemann
Surfaces'' without boundary in characteristic $p>0$.
Tea. High tea will be served at 3:30pm in the Lounge.
Emmy's. Certain refreshments will be available at the Emmy's after the talk.
Host. Megan Kerr will be the host. Anybody who is interested in having dinner with the speaker should contact Megan at 646-1614.