Dartmouth Mathematics Colloquium
Thursday, March 27, 1997
4:00-5:00 pm
102 Bradley Hall
Professor Solomon Friedberg
Boston College
speaks on
Sums of Dirichlet Series
Abstract. This talk will present an introduction to on-going research
on sums of Dirichlet series. We will first survey some fundamental
ideas of Dirichlet which are closely related to his proof that there are
infinitely many primes in an arithmetic progression, next briefly
describe the analysis leading to the modern theory of automorphic
forms, and then fuse these topics to present some new objects whose
study has only begun.
Tea. High tea will be served at 3:30 pm in the Lounge.
Emmy's. Certain refreshments will be available at Emmy's after the talk.
Host. Dorothy Wallace is the host. Anybody who is interested in having
dinner with the speaker should contact Dorothy at 646-3610.