DartmouthDartmouth Mathematics Colloquium MATH

Thursday, April 10, 1997

4:00-5:00 pm

102 Bradley Hall

May Nilsen

University of Newcastle (Australia)

speaks on

Duality for full crossed products of C*-algebras

by non-amenable groups

Abstract. The concept of duality in crossed products has attracted a good deal of attention in the last few years, and I will give an overview of the key ideas. This talk will begin with an introductory discussion about full crossed products of C*-algebras at a level suitable for graduate students.

I will then go on to discuss some of the results from my recently completed PhD thesis. In particular, I will discuss the extent to which induction and restriction of ideals in crossed products commute.
This work generalizes some of the results of Gootman and Lazar
to full crossed products by non-amenable groups. It leads to short, new proofs of Katayama and Imai-Takai duality, the faithfulness of the induced regular representation for full coactions and actions by amenable groups.

High tea will be served at 3:30 pm in the Lounge.
Emmy's. Certain refreshments will be available at Emmy's after the talk.
Host. Dana Williams is the host. Anybody who is interested in having dinner with the speaker should contact Dana at 646-2990.