Dartmouth Mathematics Colloquium 
Thursday, May 15, 1997
4:00-5:00 pm
102 Bradley Hall
Professor Wolfgang Ziller
University of Pennsylvania
speaks on
Manifolds with positive and nonnegative sectional
Abstract. An important class of manifolds in Riemannian geometry are
those with positive curvature (or more generally nonnegative curvature).
In spite of much work on this subject, very few examples are known, all of
which are closely related to Lie groups and Lie group actions. We will
discuss known examples among homogeneous spaces, biquotients of Lie
groups, and cohomogeneity one manifolds.
Tea. High tea will be served at 3:30 pm in the Bradley Lounge.
Emmy's. Certain refreshments will be available at Emmy's after the talk.
Hostess. Megan Kerr is the hostess. Anybody who is interested in having
dinner with the speaker should contact Megan at 646-1614.