Mathematics Colloquium
Thursday, January 18, 1996, 4:00pm
102 Bradley Hall
Professor Neal Fowler
University of Newcastle, Australia
speaks on
States of Toeplitz-Cuntz algebras
Abstract. Motivated by work of W. Arveson on the spectral
C*-algebra of an E_0-semigroup, we discuss how locally normal weights on a certain irreducible operator algebra can be used to
study states of Toeplitz-Cuntz algebras. As an application, we classify
those states of the Cuntz algebra O_{\infty} whose restriction to the
fixed point algebra under the action of the gauge group is a pure
product state.
Tea. High tea will be served at 3:30pm in the Lounge.
Emmy's. Certain refreshments will be available at the Emmy's after the talk.
Host. Dana Williams will be the host, anybody interested in having dinner with the speaker should contact Dana (Ext. 6-2990).