Math 103 Home Page 

Fall 2008

Meets MWF 1:45 -- 2:50
X-Hour Th 1:00 -- 1:50
028 Haldeman
Dana Williams
305 Kemeny Hall
Tu 1-2, W 9-10,
Th 10-11

Course Description and sample analysis certification questions.

Complex X-hour

As something of an experiment/bonus, Matt Mahoney will be runing a mini-course in complex analysis during our x-hour.  This component of the course is optional for undergraduates.  The idea is that complex analysis is a significant part of the analysis certification exam, but it is not usually covered in any of the graduate offerings here at Dartmouth.  This means you'll get a chance to see some complex analysis, but at the expense of some additional work.  Matt and I will definitely want your feedback on how this works for you.


There will be homework which will be collected every week or two.  In addition, there will be a "take-home" mid-term and final.


Written work should be done on one side only of 8.5''x11'' paper with smooth edges. Each problem should begin a new page.