Introductory Statistics
Spring 2016 - Dorothy Wallace (Period 2A) - Tommy Khoo (Period 10A)

Course Information


Freedman, Pisani and Purves (4th edition)


Wallace , 2 pm - 3.50 pm, Tues/Thurs
Khoo , 10 am - 11.50 am, Tues/Thurs, Room 007

Office Hours

Wallace, 4 pm - 6 pm, Thurs, Room 204
Khoo, 4 pm - 6 pm, Tues, Room 212 (please email me for an appointment)


Tutor: Benjamin Breen
Location: Kemeny Hall, Room 201
Time: 7 pm to 9 pm, Mon/Weds/Sun

Grades and Syllabus


20% - Weekly Quizzes
30% - Labs
25% - Midterm
25% - Final

Weekly Schedule

Labs - Given out on Thurs. Hand in on Tues.
Quizzes - Every Tues starting week 2.

Exam Schedule

Final Exam - 2 June, Thurs, 11.30 am, Kemeny Room 007.


Week 1 - Chapter 1 to 5
Week 2 - Chapter 8 to 10
Week 3 - Chapter 11 to 14
Week 4 - Chapter 15 to 17
Week 5 - Midterm Exam, Chapter 18 to 19
Week 6 - Chapter 20, 21, 23
Week 7 - Chapter 24, 26
Week 8 - Chapter 27, 28
Week 9 - Chapter 29, Review
Week 10 - Review, Final Exam


Honor Principle

For exams, no help given or received. On labs, working together is encouraged but you must write up your lab report yourself. Any suspicion of plagiarism will be forwarded to the COS.

Religious Observance

If you have a religious observance that conflicts with your participation in the course, please meet with your instructor before the end of the second week of the term to discuss appropriate accommodations.


Students with disabilities enrolled in this course and who may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an appointment to see your instructor before the end of the second week of the term. All discussions will remain confidential, although the Student Accessibility Services office may be consulted to discuss appropriate implementation of any accommodation requested.

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