Math 123 Home page

An Introduction to C*-algebras

Meets: MWT 1:45 - 2:50
Instructor: Dana P. Williams
Room: 028 Haldeman
Text: See Below

General Description: This course is meant to be a gentle introduction to the theory of operator algebras.  We will start with a review of spectral theory followed by the basics of C*-theory.  After that, the content will depend on the participant's interests.  (For a more formal course announcement, click here.)

Text: It is not necessary to buy a text for this course.  We will losely follow Gerard Murhy's C*-algebras and Operator Theory, and this is a useful text to own if you are interested in the subject.  We will try to keep a copy of this text and other references (mentioned in the course description document linked above) in the graduate lounge in Kemeny Hall for everyone in the course to use.  You may also find sections §§2-4 of my notes on spectral theory useful.

Work load: Please come see me (305 Kemeny Hall) if you are uncertain about taking the course -- either due to your prepraration or the work load associated to the course.

  1. Assignment one: Due Friday, April 11th. (Click here for selected solutions.)
  2. Assignment two: Due Monday, April 21st. (Click here for selected solutions.)
  3. OPTIONAL assignment on nets: do not turn in. (Clcik here for selected solutions.)
  4. Assignment three: Due Friday, May 9th. (Click here for selected solutions.)
  5. Last Assignment: "Due" Wednesday, May 28th (this assignment is optional).