Office Hours

I will have office hours Monday and Wednesday nights from 8:00 to 10:00 PM, and Monday, Wednesday and Fridays an hour before class (11:30-12:30). Of course, if none of these times work with your schedule, blitz me to make an appointment.

My office is 1-R in the basement of Bradley. To get to it, if you enter Bradley by Carson/Novack, walk up the ramp and down the stairs at the end of the hall. You head straight and then before the ramp heads down (near the bulletin board) you take a left. Just before you leave the building through the double doors you go left and up the stair case. My office is the last door on the left. It has my name on it and it says 1-R above the door.

In addition to the evening office hours I will have, Tiffany Caufield will host a review session Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday nights. I recommend you see her, especially if you'd like a different perspective on the material than mine.