Math 13, Calculus of Several Variables (Winter 2010)

Syllabus and Homework Assignments


March 17, 2010: All old homework assignments will be available for pickup in the homework boxes outside Kemeny 008 later this afternoon. Final exams and final letter grades for the class have also been determined, so if you would like to see your final exam and find out your letter grade before the registrar releases them on Monday, please drop by my office. I'll probably be in during the times we used to have office hours and classes. However, I will not respond to emails asking for grades.

March 9, 2010: Homeworks #1 - #7 are available for pickup in the homework boxes outside the classroom, and Homework #8 should be available by Thursday. A Final Study Guide is also now available on this website, although I cannot guarantee that the contents are comprehensive or typo free.

March 1, 2010: The location of the final exam will be in 028 Silsby Hall, not 13 Carpenter. We will have normal classes on March 1 and 3rd. On March 5 we will have an optional class whose content will be an overview of extensions of the material we learned in this class. We will have a review session on March 8, and if the classroom is available, on March 10 and 11 as well.

February 17, 2010: Remember that the second midterm will be held in Carpenter 13 from 5:00pm - 7:00pm on Thursday, February 18. The material on the exam is everything from Chapter 16.6 to Chapter 17.4 (Green's Theorem). In addition, it will probably help to remember the material from the first third of the class. There will also be a question and answer session at 008 Kemeny during the usual X-hour time, from 1:00 - 2:00pm, on Thursday, to help review for the midterm.

February 8, 2010: The second midterm will be held in Carpenter 13 from 5:00pm - 7:00pm on Thursday, February 18. If you have a conflict please email me as soon as possible. The topics which will be covered are everything from Chapter 16.6 (triple integration) to the material this Friday.

January 23, 2010: The first midterm will be held in Carpenter 13 from 5:00pm - 7:00pm on Thursday. If you have a conflict please email me as soon as possible. The topics which will be covered are Chapter 15 and Chapters 16.1 - 16.5.

January 15, 2010: Location and times for the midterm exams have been posted. They are listed below, and will take place on Jan 28 and Feb 18, from 5pm - 7pm, in Carpenter 13.

January 6, 2010: Office hours have been moved back 30 minutes from the times announced in the first class, to 12:30pm - 2:00pm. Also, tutorials will take place in Kemeny 108 from 7:00pm - 9:00pm on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, with the first tutorial session starting on January 10. Exam times will be posted shortly.

January 4, 2010: The syllabus for this class has been posted, along with information about office hours and the location of the class. Webwork, tutorial, and exam information is not available yet, but will be posted within two days.

December 9, 2009: A preliminary version of this website is being posted. The textbook information is accurate, but everything else is either wrong or subject to change. Prospective students might be interested in consulting a list of things to know (not working yet), which contains a list of topics from Math 8 that we will assume you know well when we start Math 13.

General Information

The Textbook Scheduled Lectures Instructors
Examinations Homework Policy Grades
Honor Principle Tutorials Disabilities


Required: Calculus, 6th edition, by James Stewart, ISBN 978-0495011606.
This is the same book that was used for Math 8 in the fall semester. If you do not have this book, you might want to try finding former Math 8 students who no longer need this book and are willing to sell it used.

Optional: Div, grad, curl, and all that, 4th Edition, by H.M. Schey, ISBN 978-0393925166. This book takes a more informal and physics-inspired approach to the material in the second half of the class. It is well-written, contains many exercises, and is not particularly long, so this book might be a useful supplement to the main text.

Calculus, Volume II, 2nd edition, by Tom Apostol, ISBN 978-0471000075. This book contains a lot of the material we will be covering in this class, in a slightly more abstract way. This book also contains linear algebra, and so is able to present multivariable calculus in a more generalized and uniform setting.

Calculus on Manifolds, by Michael Spivak, ISBN 978-0805390216. This book is for more ambitious students, who are interested in understanding the material in the second half of the class in a more general context. Students who intend to major in mathematics or theoretical physics will be the ones who find this book relevant. If you choose to read this book you will probably need outside assistance to do so.

It is each student's responsibility to be aware of academic deadlines as enforced by the Registrar.

Scheduled Lectures

Andrew Yang MWF 1:45 - 2:55
(X-hour Thursday 1:00-1:50)
Classes in 008 Kemeny

The students in a section will be informed whenever an X-hour is going to be used.


Andrew Yang
Office: 316 Kemeny Hall
Office hours:
Tuesday, Thursday 12:30pm - 2:00pm, and by appointment
Phone: 646-2960
or Blitzmail (preferred)


Exam I
Date: Thursday, January 28 2010
Location: Carpenter 13
Time: 5pm - 7pm
Exam II
Date: Thursday, February 18 2010
Location: Carpenter 13
Time: 5pm - 7pm
Final Exam
Date: Friday, March 12 2010
Location: 28 Silsby
Time: 11:30am - 2:30pm

Homework Policy


Midterm Exams 20% each
Final Exam 35%
Webwork Homework
Written Homework
Total 100%

The Honor Principle

