Quick links on this page: News | Introduction | Class coordinates | Instructor information | Exam Schedule | Grading | Homework Policy | Textbook
Quick links to other Math 13 pages: Homework Assignments | Syllabus and schedule | Exam review materials
Math 13 is meant to be the sequel to Math 8 at Dartmouth College. The second half of Math 8 covers differential calculus of several variables. Math 13 starts with a quick review of relevant material from Math 8, and then covers integral calculus of several variables and vector calculus.
Section 1 | Section 2 | |
Instructor | Andrew Yang | Susan Diesel |
Lectures | 12:30pm - 1:35pm, MWF | 1:45pm - 2:50pm, MWF |
Classroom | 008 Kemeny | 006 Kemeny |
Tutorial room: 008 Kememy Tutorial times: 7:00pm - 9:00pm, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday TA: Jeffery Hein, Jennifer Shellenbarger
Section 1 | Section 2 | |
Instructor | Andrew Yang | Susan Diesel |
Office | Kemeny 316 | Kemeny 310 |
Office Hours | MWF, 3:00pm - 4:00pm | M 3:00pm - 4:30pm, W 12:00pm - 1:30pm |
There will be two midterms and a final exam. All exams are closed book and no calculators or computational assistants of any kind.
If you are unable to be at any of these exams, please contact me as soon as possible so we can setup alternate test-taking arrangements.
Your grade in this class will be determined by homework and exams.
There will be two types of homework assignments: Webwork and written assignments. Webwork is an automated computer-based grading system where you get slightly randomized problems, and try to solve them until the computer tells you your answer is correct. We will generally use Webwork for easier questions which are more suited for computer automated grading. These will usually be given out three times a week, and shouldn't take too long to complete.
Written assignments will consist of questions which will usually be more difficult than Webwork assignments. You will need to write down solutions which justify your answers and turn them in.
There will be two midterm exams and a final examination. All exams will be at a specified location and will be closed book.
Each of the above contributes to your final grade in the following fashion:
Written homework assignments will be posted at the homework page of this website, and will be usually due about a week after they are posted. Late assignments will only be accepted when granted an extension, which must be requested from the instructor several days in advance. In general, extensions will only be granted for health-related reasons or family emergencies. Exceptions may be made for school-related travel.
The homework collaboration policy for this class is more or less in line with other Dartmouth math classes. You are allowed to collaborate with others on homework, but must write your own solutions. A good rule of thumb is that you should never be copying phrases or sentences from anyone else or any source. You may use theorems, lemmas, etc. that we have covered from the textbook, but in general you should not use theorems, lemmas, etc. from sections of the book we have not covered or from external sources. Also, please write down the people you collaborated with and outside sources (namely, anything besides the required textbook) you consulted on your homework assignments.
The required book for this class is Calculus, 7th edition, by James Stewart, ISBN 978-0538497817. This is the same book that Math 8 used in the fall; Math 8 students who are not taking Math 13 might be selling their books at a reduced price.
There are many books about calculus. The following are a few books which might be worth consulting: