Math 147: Graduate Teaching Seminar

Summer 2017
Kemeny 004 (please keep it locked). 1-4pm on class days; 12-5pm during math camps days. Instructors: Marcia Groszek and Alex Barnett


Here are the course goals as a PDF file.


The readings (see pre-course work) will be:

For Duckworth you'll want to read a bit on Piaget before you start, eg here. Watching the videos of kids is fun too (lots more on youtube).

Suggested books to buy

Timeline and Assignments

Class June 22,23. (then, 1.5 week gap!)
Class July 6,7.
Class July 10,11,13,14.
Math camp July 17,18,19,20,21. (block out noon-5pm for math camp days).
Class July 24,25,27,28.
Math camp July 31, August 1,2,3,4.
Class August 7,8,10,11.
Dartmouth guest teaching August 14-23 (and/or the previous week, or fall term for those not teaching in the fall).

Please block out 1-4pm each day in the regular course.

day #datetasks / group work / readings dueactivities
1Th June 22 pre-course work Introductions, syllabus, goals of M147, good/bad learning experiences, categories of features of good ones (see photos); setting learning goals (importance, content vs higher-level, goals exercise for two courses), brainstorm assessment of a tricky goal.
2Fr 23 prepare 5-min talks, MC1 goals 5-minute presentations (feedback forms, videocamera); brainstorm benefits of lecturing vs of reading, features of good lectures, clarifying goals, brainstorm evaluation of one non-content math camp goal.
(due Tu June 27: choice of MC1 topic)
3Th July 6 recap Zull, eval MC1 goals, video response Chapter summaries of Zull, using Zull to improve teaching, design a learning cycle for understanding the derivative; what is a lesson plan, design a lesson plan segment.
4Fr 7 Duckworth, learning cycle lesson plan Discuss Piaget & Duckworth, inspirational Duckworth idea. instructor examples of cooperative learning, brainstorm advantages and disadvantages; cooperative learning exercise, commit to two MC1 NC goals, dissect MC1 goal assessment plans.
5M 10 MC1 plan Feedback/dissection of MC1 plan, writing math goal assessment questions (and answering them!); classroom assessment techniques (formative), classroom management.
6Tu 11 Skemp, work on LPs Skemp, brainstorm good blackboard technique; reading derivative LPs and adding CATs, Hativa on good lecturing.
7Th 13 MC1 lesson plans; 5-min lec segment 5-minute lectures and feedback (in 108); discuss MC1 LPs.
8F 14 remaining MC1 LPs discuss all remaining LPs and evaluation plans.
M 17 - F 21 Math Camp 1. 1-4pm each day. (Meet at noon; debrief 4-5pm). Topic chosen: Combinatorics (with quite a lot of graph theory).
9M 24 MC2 topic, non-content goals MC1 feedback, discuss MC2 topic, goals; creating writing exercises for chain rule.
10Tu 25 MC2 topics plan and eval plan Bloom's taxonomy, categorizing chain rule problems, creating structured exam questions; 2:30-4pm voice coach Helena Binder. teaching successful collaboration skills in calculus and math camp.
11Th 26 1st 2 days MC2 lesson plans 5-min lectures. Discuss lesson plans, creating evaluation questions for goals in MC2, editing a lesson plan to flip lecture and group work; Felder-Silverman learning styles (questionnaire),
12Fr 27 MC2 days 3-5 discuss remaining lesson plans.
M 31 - F Aug 4 Math Camp 2. 1-4pm each day. (Meet at noon; debrief 4-5pm). Topic chosen: Logic, Paradoxes, and Infinity (ie Set Theory).
(no meeting on Monday, nor homework for Tuesday)
12Tu Aug 8 Cindy Tobery from DCAL; gender, diversity and cultural factors.
13W 9 5-min lecs Final 5-min lectures on research; practical issues: syllabi, honor code, midterm evals, attire.
14Th 10 questions 1-3pm over in 224 Baker: Carl Thum (Academic Skills Center), Alicia Brandon (Student Accessibility Services), Natalie Hoyt (Undergraduate Deans Office), Katelyn McPherson (Athletics), Karen Afre (talking about diversity); 3-4pm: Faculty advice session, back in 004.
15Fr 11look at TS 2pm: teaching statements; 2:40-4pm: experienced grad instructor advice session.
M 14 - Tu 22Guest lecturing in Dartmouth classes (two lectures pre instructor)
course portfolio This is due Thurs Aug 31 on dropbox or by email

Online workspaces

Please upload homeworks and lesson plans to the relevant subfolder of the m147x17 folder on DropBox. You should have received instructions by email about this.

Photographs of the process

Resources and Articles

Note that articles are only available from within the domain, which excludes Dartmouth Public wifi.