Computer Science 21 / Math 19
Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science
Professor Kenneth Bogart
310 Bradley Hall
Office Hours: MWF 10:15-11:00.
And by appointment via blitzmail
Gabriela Dumitrascu
1-P Bradley Hall
Office Hours MW 3:00-4:00
Tutorials: STTh 7:00PM - 9:00PM
Place: TBA
- Starting
on Tuesday Oct. 28, the the tutorial on Tuesdays will be from 5:30PM till
7:30 in Room 103 Gerry Hall. On
other days it will remain at 7PM till 9PM in Wilder Hall.
- On
Oct. 23, the tutorial will be from 4PM till 5:45PM, Room 104 Bradley.
- There
will be no X-hour on November 25 and no class on Nov. 26. (Nov. 26, 27,
and 28 are College Holidays.)
- Important
announcements will be given here with the most recent announcement first
(so that this will appear last).
Course Information
Course and Homework
Course Information
Chapters 1-3 of the book,
with contents and index.
Chapters 4-6 of the book,
with index.
Homework Solutions