Math 20 Homepage
Summer 1998
The basic details for the course are outlined in the description of
the course handed out in lecture on day
one of the course. In order to read and print this file using
your browser, you will need the Adobe
Acrobat Reader; instructions for doing this are given in the
homework assignment "due" on the first day of class below.
Some Important Points:
Math 20 meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in room 102 Bradley from
10:00am to 11:05pm. In addition, we may meet in our x-hour on
Thursdays from 12:00 to 12:50pm.
To see the distribution of scores on the mid-term, click here. To see some suggested solutions,
click here. Students with scores
below 50 should make arrangements to see me early the week of August 3rd.
- There is a web site for the text which can be accessed by
here. Form this site you can:
View (or even print out) the solutions to all the odd
numbered exercises
in the text.
Download a number of the programs
mentioned in the text: Maple5.4.sit.hqx.
In class, we'll use primarily Maple, but the
web site includes Mathematica and True Basic versions of these
programs as well.
It is recommended that you have a current version
of Maple on your Mac. Professor Shemanske has kindly provided a
very user friendly guide
for installing Maple on your Mac.
I hope to meet everyone at least once in my office. Of course, the
best way is to visit during my office hours.

Homework Assignments:
The assignments are listed by date due.
Our homework graders are Amanda
M. Roberts and Diasmer Bloe;
please direct questions regarding homework grading to them. Remember that problems enclosed
in `()'s are not to be turned in.