Linear Algebra with Applications

Last updated October 16, 2006

Syllabus HW Assignments Maple Exams

Text Lectures Instructors
Homework Memos Exams
Grades Honor Principle Disabilities

Course Description

In this course, we use Euclidean space to develop intuition about ideas such as linear transformations, determinants, vector spaces, coordinates, the dimension of a vector space, and inner products. We also discuss the idea of a proof, including what should and should not be included and how to write them coherently. These discussions will occur mainly during the x-hours (x-hour proof workshops) and will roughly consist of In addition, 5 points on each exam will be "style" points. I expect everyone to earn all 5 points, but if I have to read a solution more than once because I cannot follow your work, you may lose style points. On the final, you will only be able to lose style points; in other words, I will not set aside a certain number of points for style but will take off points on questions that I have difficulty following (This is based on the Teaching Time Savers column published by the MAA in the August/September 2006 issue of Focus).



Required text: Linear Algebra and its Applications, 3rd edition update, by David C. Lay (ISBN: 0321287134)
The text is available at Wheelock Books, although you may be able to find it cheaper elsewhere. We will be using the text from the first day of class.

Scheduled Lectures

MWF 13:45 – 14:50 (1:45 – 2:50 pm)
x-hour*: Th 13:00 – 13:50 (1:00 – 1:50 pm)
Location: Kemeny 108

* We will use all x-hours unless specifically announced otherwise.



Alison Setyadi
Office: 239 Kemeny Hall
Office hours: Monday 11:00 – 13:00 (11:00 am &ndash 1:00 pm),
Thursday 11:30 &ndash 12:30, and by appointment.
When I am on campus on weekdays, I am usually in my office (or close to it). I am always happy to talk to students who stop by when I am available; if you stop by but I am in the middle of something that needs to be finished soon, we can find another time to meet.


Homework Policy

For each day of class (not including x-hour proof workshops, x-hours during which you take part of an exam, and the day before an exam), I will post an associated assignment on the HW Assignments page. I will collect these assignments at the BEGINNING of class on MONDAYS. I strongly encourage you NOT to put off the assignemnt until the night before it is due. You may work together on these assignments, but you must write up your answers individually. Clearly indicate the exercise that you are solving by giving the section of the exercise and the exercise number. If you use more than one piece of paper, staple the pages together. Do NOT do your homework with anything except a pencil or a pen with either blue or black ink (NO MARKERS, COLORED PENCILS, or CRAYONS).

All homework assignments are due at the START of class on the day they are due. LATE HOMEWORK WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED FOR ANY REASON. The grader is permitted to deduct 1 point on any homework without a name, on any homework that is not neat and stapled, or on any homework done in anything except a pencil or a pen with either blue or black ink.

Each exercise will be graded 0, 1/2, or 1, as follows: The total number of points you earn on homework will be converted to a number out of 100 in computing final grades. Thus, if there are 200 exercises assigned over the entire term and you earn 140 points, then you will earn 70 points out of 100.



At the end of each week, you are to submit a memo by email; this is due by 23:59 (11:59 pm) every Sunday. The purpose of these memos is to help both of us keep track of your progress in the course. Do NOT submit your memo as an attachment to an email; write it in the body of the email itself. Among the things your memos could address are the following: In your first memo (due by 23:59 on September 24), introduce yourself. Tell me why you are taking this class, what your major is (or if you don't have one, some possibilities for a major), what some of your hobbies are, what your background is, and anything else you think I should know.

The last memo of the term is due by 23:59 (11:59 pm) on Sunday, December 3.



We will have two exams and a final in this course. The exams will have two parts: you will do one part during the x-hour; you will pick up the second part during the x-hour, and it is to be handed in at the START of the next class period. You will be allowed to use your notes and the text for the take-home part of each exam but NOT for the in-class part. For the take-home part, clearly indicate the problem you are doing, staple your pages together if you use more than one, and do NOT do the problems using anything except a pencil or a pen with either black or blue ink (no markers, colored pencils, or crayons). The final will NOT have a take-home part. You are to neither receive nor give help on any exam or final. The two exams and final are tentatively scheduled as follows:

Exam 1 Thursday, October 11 In-class/take-home exam
Exam 2 Thursday, November 2 In-class/take-home exam
Final Sunday, December 3 15:00 – 18:00 (3:00 – 6:00 pm)

The final is scheduled by the registrar and will NOT be given early to accomodate travel plans.



The course grade will be based on the scores on homework, exams, and final as follows:

number points each total points possible
Homework 100
Exams 2 75 150
Final 1 150 150
Total 400


The Honor Principle

You are encouraged and permitted to collaborate on homework, but it is a violation of the honor code for someone to provide the answers for you. In other words, feel free to talk to other students while thinking about an exercise, but write up your solutions independently. You are also on your honor not to talk to another student about an exam or final until both you and the other student have handed in the exam or final.



Any students with disabilities who are taking this course and who may need disability-related classroom accommodations are encouraged to make an appointment to see me as soon as possible. They should also stop by the Academic Skills Center in Collis Center to register for support services.
