General Information
Instructor: Bjoern Muetzel
Office: 318 Kemeny
Office Hours:Tuesday 1 - 3, Thursday, Sunday 2 - 4 in 229 Kemeny
Lectures: Monday, Wednesday, Friday in 007 Kemeny
Section 1: 10:10 - 11:15
Section 2: 2:10 - 3:15
x-hour: Thursday in 007 Kemeny
Section 1: 12:15 - 1:05
Section 2: Th 1:20 - 2:10
During the x-hour I will be usually available in my office, but x-hours will be occasionally used for class work.
There will be two midterms and a cumulative final exam. The exams are scheduled as follows:
Midterm I | Monday, October 7 | 4 - 6 pm in Carpenter 013 |
Midterm II | Friday, November 1 | 4 - 6 pm in Carpenter 013 |
Final | Friday, November 22 | 11:30 am - 2:30 pm in Carpenter 013 |
Project report | Sunday, November 24 | 2 pm in Kemeny 318 |
If you have a conflict with the midterm exams because of a religious observance, scheduled extracurricular activity such as a game or performance [not practice], scheduled laboratory for another course, or similar commitment, please see me as soon as possible.
The course grade will be based upon the scores on the exams, the homework and the project as follows:
Project | 10% | |
Homework | 20% | |
Option 1 | Option 2 | |
Midterm I | 15% | 20% |
Midterm II | 25% | 25% |
Final | 30% | 25% |
Homework Policy
- Written assignments will be assigned weekly.
- Late homework will not be accepted, however extensions might be granted.
- The lowest homework grade will be dropped.
- Use English to write down your solution. If you can't read your solutions aloud as fluently as if you were reading your textbook, try using nouns and verbs in your write ups!
- Consult the honor principle as it applies to this course.
Our graduate teaching assistants, Lizzie Buchanan and Melanie Ferreri will run tutorials Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday at 7 - 9 pm in Kemeny 105, focusing on answering your questions on the homework and class material. For maximal benefit, we strongly recommend that you try all the homework problems ahead of time and come with your questions to the tutorial. Tutorials are open to all Math 22 students. Past students have found these tutorials immensely helpful!
The Honor Principle
Academic integrity is at the core of our mission as mathematicians and educators, and we take
it very seriously.
Cooperation on homework is permitted and encouraged, but you must write up your homework in your own words, reflecting your own understanding. Please
acknowledge any collaborators at the beginning of each assignment.
On exams, you may not give or receive help from anyone. Exams in this course are closed book, and no
notes, calculators or other electronic devices are permitted.
Further information can be found here: Honor Principle.
Religious Observances
Some students may wish to take part in religious observances that occur during this academic term. If you have a religious observance that conflicts with your participation in the course, please meet with your instructor before the end of the second week of the term to discuss appropriate accommodations.
A calendar of religious holidays can be found here: Religious holidays.
Students with disabilities who may need disability-related academic adjustments and services for this course are encouraged to see their instructor privately as early in the term as possible. Students requiring disability-related academic adjustments and services must consult the Student Accessibility Services office (Carson Hall, Suite 125, 646-9900). Once SAS has authorized services, students must show the originally signed SAS Services and Consent Form and/or a letter on SAS letterhead to their professor. As a first step, if students have questions about whether they qualify to receive academic adjustments and services, they should contact the SAS office. All inquiries and discussions will remain confidential.
For further information, see Student Accessibility Services.