Math 22:  Linear Algebra
Spring 2002
10:00 - 11:05 
(X-Hour: Th 12:00 - 12:50) 
105 Bradley
Jeffrey Strom
Office: 411 Bradley Hall 
Phone: 646 - 2960 
or BlitzMail 


Practice Final Solutions

Long Homework 2 Solutions

Final Exam Solutions

Office Hours
Monday       11:30 -- 12:30
Thursday       2:00 -- 3:00
Friday          11:30 -- 12:30

Linear Algebra and its Applications
(Second Edition)
by David C. Lay


There will be 1 midterm exam and a cumulative final exam.    You will not be able to use your book, notes or calculator on the exams unless it explicitly says so on the exam . Tentative dates for the midterm exams are as follows.
Midterm Exam  Monday, April 29, 6:30 -- 8:00
Room 102 Bradley
Chapters 1, 2 and 3
Final Exam  Sunday, June 2, 1:00 -- 3:00  Everything!

The Registrar's Office schedules the final exam, which will occur during the period from May 31 and June 4. If you must make travel plans before the schedule for final exams appears, do not make plans to leave Hanover before June 4.  Exams cannot be given early to accommodate travel plans.

Homework Policy

There will be homework assigned each week, which will be collected on Fridays in class. I will also assign one or more additional long-term homework assignments that will be worth two or three times as much as an ordinary assignment.  I'll be happy to talk about homework problems  and give you hints during my office hours. You may (you are encouraged to) work  together on the homework assignments.  However, the work you turn in should be your own. This means that after whatever discussions you have about the problems, you should write up your solutions on your ownand in your own words.


The midterm, homework grade, and final exam will all count equally toward your final grade.

The Honor Principle

Every student who matriculates at Dartmouth agrees to abide by the academic honor principle.  You have an obligation to act with integrity in your own academic work, and to take action if you observe honor code violations by others.  Academic integrity is essential to the scholarly enterprise and we take it seriously.

In Math 3, you are encouraged to work together on homework problems, and to use professors, other students, other textbooks, and generally any resource you can find that will help you understand and work the problems. You must write up the homework solutions by yourself in your own words. In brief, collaborate but don't copy.

You must do all work on exams independently, without giving or receiving assistance of any kind.

Special Concerns

Please talk to us as soon as possible, or whenever something comes up, about any special concerns you have about the class.  If you have a disability and may require disability-related accommodations, talk to us as soon as possible; this includes invisible disabilities like chronic diseases, learning disabilities, and psychiatric disabilities.  If you have athletic or other extracurricular commitments and hope to accommodate them (for example, by taking midterms at alternative times), talk to us.  If you are ill and fall behind on work, talk to us.  If you are in any way concerned about the course or your performance in it, talk to us. If you can't do the homework, go to the tutorials, or talk to us. Make an appointment, either after class, by phone or via blitzmail, if you can't make regular office hours.